Monday, June 12, 2006

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton has reportedly vowed never to have plastic surgery, after being told by her father that it was "sleazy" and would "cheapen" her image. Hmmm... I find that to be an interesting comment. Obviously the belief that people who have plastic surgery are "sleazy" has gone by the wayside long ago. The vast majority of my patients are hard-working, normal people from all walks of life. Plastic surgery is not for everyone, and I turn down patients whom I believe are not good candidates because of unrealistic expectations or psychological issues. This turns out to be about 1 out of every 5 people who come to see me. In addition, I'm not sure when Paris considered a breast augmentation, but if it was before she was 18 years old, I believe that it's morally wrong for a plastic surgeon to do it anyway. The FDA has an official position against it as well.

Photo/story credit:


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Interesting you would say that...a friend of my daughter just had her boobs done, at 16. It was a present from her parents, because she was very insecure about her flat chest. I was a bit perturbed to learn about it...I mean...16??

  2. I was exactly 18 when I had my boobs done. I was careful, did my research, shopped around various doctors and their before-and-after books and all that, and I can honestly say that although if I'd waited a few years, I probably would have grown to not feel I needed the surgery anymore, I'm absolutely happy I did have them done. That was the only area of my body I felt self-conscious about, and now I don't. So it worked.

    Naturally, I'm always quite annoyed by the idea that cosmetic surgery is "sleazy" or that it implies something negative or undesirable in the character of the person who has it. People wear makeup and color and style their hair--that's artifice as well, just to a smaller scale. And as you say, most people who have cosmetic procedures are perfectly ordinary, hardworking people who simply wanted to make some enhancement or whatever to their looks, and could afford to. Nothing wrong or sleazy about that at all.

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    and isn't it kind of well known that she has had her eyes and nose done?

  4. Someone did a terrible job on that one droopy eye of hers, then. I thought one of the aims of facial surgeries was to create symmetry, since that's part of aesthetic perfection?

  5. Tatoos, boob jobs... I don't think I'd let my child do it before they were 18. Not because I think they're evil, etc. But part of growing up is accepting yourself as you are. If you decide to change it once you've accepted something as it is, that's one thing. Thinking that an operation, a car, a job, ANYTHING will fix that feeling of insecurity inside of you... that's something else.

    I went to school with a girl who's dad took her "away for the summer" and she came back with a new nose at the start of 10th grade. She was a different person after that, and it wasn't a nice person. It wasn't like the nose job "cured" her insecurities. They just moved over to other things.

    That being said, I envy my SIL her tummy tuck. She looks great. She was never a 'restrained' person, but I can see her letting loose a little more. Heck, I feel more confident when I take the time to wear a nice shirt and put on makeup. They're tools that work towards helping us be ourselves a little more. They're not going to make my mommy sane or my dad stop acting like a jerk, or my boss stop being satan :)

  6. I once had a patient's mom ask me if I would do an Asian blepharoplasty (create a caucasian-like fold) on her son. She said he really wanted it done and was asking for it. I asked how old he was. She replied, "Seven." The conversation ended there.

  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    a tiny little while ago, the version was that Paris decided against a "boob job" because her dad said it would cheapen her image.

    Can't remember where I read it. Could be the Vogue UK Daily News. Anyway, here's an example I googled up:

  8. Anonymous1:03 PM

    i am thinking about having my breasts done and aslong as you go to the right surgeon then it doesnt really matter if its sleazy or not , i mean no offence to her if it matters anyway but she made a sex tape and flashes her self to the world and she things surgery is sleezy. i mean what is sleazy or tarty today if you see a girl out in a little skirt you judge her as a slag or a tart. aslong as you feel good about your self after the surgery then thats all that matters right? i think so im not happy with my breasts so im going to change them because i like the look of them but of i don't want them done till next yr or the yr after because i want to do my homework.
