Thursday, August 24, 2006

Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford has recently admitted to using plastic surgery to help her maintain her beautiful looks. She told Gala magazine that, "I'm not going to lie to myself: past a certain age, creams work on the texture of your skin but, in order to restore elasticity, all I can really count on is vitamin injections, Botox and collagen."
She also admits, "I have a very simple, healthy life, which works miracles. I drink a lot of water, watch what I eat and exercise. 'But I owe the quality of my skin to my cosmetic surgeon."
It's refreshing to hear such a prominent supermodel admit to needing help to look the way she does. It is too bad that more celebrities don't come out and admit the work they've had done, as I do believe that plastic surgery is more common than most people think. Although it is not for everyone, it doesn't have the stigma today that it had 20 years ago. This is most obvious on the coasts and in larger, more "hip" cities such as Miami and Las Vegas, not to mention my hometown of Greenville, Michigan...

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  1. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Great job Cindy. That's my girl. Plastic surgery is here to stay and it's a booming industry. Why be ashamed of something that has helped you achieve great skin and good looks.

  2. Very cool of her to admit it. And she does look great.

  3. Anonymous12:35 AM

    She has always looked manly, but lately she looks even more masculine than usual, yikes!

    She also lacks an interesting personality, she's rather dull. Not trying to be a hater, but that's just my opinion...

  4. Yes! I love the fact that she did admit to getting some help.
    I've always thought that if you decide to do something, then you shouldn't be ashamed of it/lie to the world about it.

  5. Anonymous8:40 PM

    What do vitamin injections do?

  6. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Definitely. More celebrities should admit it. Or at least not deny it, like so many do. I think that's pretty ballsy of Cindy. Good for her.

  7. Anonymous1:34 AM

    This doctor took this quote out of context. Crawford is NOT talking about plastic surgery; she is talking about the injectons being the "cosmetic" in cosmetic doctor.

  8. Anonymous4:23 PM

    LOL! I just saw a cemmercial for her Meaningful Beauty Cream. She said that's all she relies on for beautiful skin!! Anything to make a buck I guess.

  9. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I saw her on Project Runway. Her face is frozen. Is this what we now call "looking great"?
