Monday, August 14, 2006

Nicole Richie

Photo removed at general request by

Nicole Richie needs to eat some more food. I am all for being in shape, but she is WAY too skinny. There are some people who naturally have such a revved up metabolism that they are really thin like this. Nicole, however, has been heavier and I am afraid she is anorexic, eating only roots and shrubs. Somebody should help her! HELLO? Lionel?

Story and photo credit: celebrity smack blog and


  1. That is a very worrisome photo as she appears to be hovering near a body weight which has both short & long-term health effects. She needs an intervention (and an extra value meal)

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I don't think this is the right way to be thin. She looks ugly and old. I even thought I was looking at a picture of an old women before knowing it was Nicole. Somebody give her something to eat, please!

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    if it's lionel richie you're addressing, don't you mean:
    "hellooooo ---
    is it me you're looking for?"

    - your receptionist

  4. Anonymous4:55 PM

    If I hadn't known she was a celebrity, I would have thought she's from the Third World!!
