Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson admits to having lip injections. In a recent interview with Glamour magazine, Jessica stated:
“I had that Restylane stuff... It looked fake to me. I didn’t like that. But…it went away in, like, four months. My lips are back to what they were. Thank God!”
Shocking. Check out my previous post in February 2nd to see what I thought of it then. I actually do know what I'm writing about! Most of the time...


  1. I can't believe she thought she had to "confess." As if it wasn't painfully obvious from the way her lips magically and grotesquely swelled to twice their size overnight.

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Lip injections are not safe . They could leave you with over swelling which looks bad , really bad . Avoid them at any cost .

  3. Actually, lip injections are quite safe. It depends on what is used, however. The most common injectables such as Restylane and collagen have very few complications. Swelling is usually gone in a matter of days. It's not for everyone though, so be sure to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist before deciding to do it.

  4. Anonymous11:56 AM

    regardless of the lip injection and stuff.. she still looks wierdly ugly.
