Sunday, October 08, 2006

Lil Kim...Big Mess

What the heck is going on with Lil Kim's face? It seems that the recently parolled rapper has lost more than a few months of her life while spending time in prison for perjury. She appears to have also lost her mind. Her face looks distinctly like Priscilla Presley's now, except even worse. Her brow is overly elevated (the result of a possible endoscopic browlift), her nose has been whittled down to become Jackson-esque, and her cheeks resemble that of a blowfish. She appears to have had either excessive fat grafting or massive cheek implants, placed by a cosmetic surgeon who either didn't know what he or she was doing, or unfortunately didn't care. She used to be such a pretty woman too. She appears to me to be a classic case of Body Dysmorphic Disorder combined with a plastic surgery addiction. Somebody needs to stop her before she is mistaken for an alien.

Photo credit:


  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Wait...did she have the plastic surgery done while in jail?

    And she does look awful, you're right. Why can't these celebrities find good doctors? They can certainly afford it!

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I was wondering the same thing as Jude. In a case where there's a mental illness, I can understand that they would seek out and find a doctor who will do whatever they want. But what about the celebrities whose work just seems kind of poorly done?

    Is there an evil, charismatic surgeon out there praying on the very famous?

  3. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Hey Doc, we're glad you liked our suggestion on the Lil Kim post. Nice work!

  4. Unfortunately there are way too many surgeons out there who will do whatever is asked of them if the price is right. I turn down about 20% of the people who come in my door. Some of the people who are the most well-known in an area are not necessarily the best surgeons. The area I'm in has two very well known surgeons who advertise all over the place to get their name well known. Because people have heard of them they are thought of as good surgeons, which they most definitely are not. These types of surgeons unfortunately prey on the naive and unsuspecting.

  5. Agree 100% with Tony.

    Most of these "awful plastic surgery" celeb pictures are related to bad judgement. There are indeed few freakier looking things then big cheek implants & the perils of aggressive reduction rhinoplasty (ethnic or otherwise) have been played out before your eyes with Michael Jackson

  6. Anonymous5:13 AM

    What's going on with her? Lil Kim is going the way of Michael Jackson... She's already a few shades lighter and trying to look like a Chucky doll. It's disturbing.

    And maybe she just looks that bad because that's jail-surgery she had. Because no one in their right mind would make someone look like that. x_x

  7. Anonymous4:46 PM

    She looks totally horrendous!! It's frightening!! :-O

  8. Anonymous12:19 AM

    I've definately decided NOT to have a "boob job", however laser eye treatment looks good.

  9. I recently decided I "needed" a facelift. I'm 39. I was fortunate to find a doctor who said, "I won't do it, and you don't need it... but if you REALLY want it, you'll find plenty of doctors willing to..."

    I swear, the things some of these doctors do is just horrendous!

  10. Anonymous11:58 PM

    The before photo wasn't the real look of Kim at all. It's photoshopped. No?

  11. Anonymous11:29 PM

    yeah, that before photo doesn't even look like lil kim. And it's definitely doctored with an image editing program. No one's skin looks like that.

  12. Anonymous2:43 AM

    That is a scary face!

  13. oh no she used to be so cute now she's starting to look like Mickey Rourke
