Thursday, February 01, 2007

Did Katie Holmes Have a Rhinoplasty?

Has Katie Holmes had a rhinoplasty? Her nose looks quite thinner in the after photo, the possible result of a rhinoplasty with removal of part of the nasal cartilage. This surgery is often performed using a "closed" technique, where all the scars are inside the nose. Personally, I like the older nose better, but the newer one makes her look more mature and older.

Photo source

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Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Wow. She looks like a completely different person. Her lips look thicker, and she looks like she has bags under her eyes. I like the old nose better as well.

  2. Her baby looks exactly like the pre-nose-job Katie Holmes. Holmes looks sleeker and more sophisticated but the chubby nose made her look more distinctive.

    Now, her next surgery should be one to reverse the brainwashing she's received.

  3. Anonymous5:13 AM

    I noticed that too. Yeah her baby does look like her presurgery self. Thats why people donthink its really her baby because she looks so different now. What about Mary Kate and Ashley, knowbody at all, not one magazine has noticed that they got the tips of their noses done. The tips look strange!!Check it out. You might be the first to report it.

  4. She looks the same to me.

  5. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Her cheeks look different too and I don't think it's because of the new nose. She looks like she has more around the cheekbones and less buccal fat.

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM

    You think she looks the same? I think she looks like a different person...

  7. Anonymous2:58 PM

    She is just getting older.
    The before photo is from 5-10 years ago.

  8. what happened to her left medial canthus??

  9. probably nothing happened to it.

  10. Anonymous10:25 PM

    I think that Katie Holmes looked MUCH BETTER before her plastic surgery! Why in the world would she want to look older before her time? Now, she will never know how her original beautiful face would have evolved (probably to be more lovely) as she aged naturally. What a pity. She looked regal and young before. Now, she looks like everyone else and she has almost destroyed her beauty. I hope that this young woman avoids plastic surgery in the future but the damage is done. Poor girl! Her mind has been controlled by a husband who wants her to look older so that he looks better. He's succeeded. Katie can pass for 40 years old now. What is she going to look like then at 40? She must be secretly sick inside and secretly, I believe that she wanted to become a Catherine Zeta-Jones type who, by the way, has also ruined her great beauty with too much plastic surgery. Something just gets taken away and can never be replaced. Katie's case is even more tragic because she's so much younger. I wished she had had the courage to just be herself. So sad!

  11. Anonymous4:26 PM

    her eyes seem to lie in a more straight line nowadays. before they were sort of pointing downwards. like a puppy.

  12. Anonymous10:33 PM

    looks a bit crooked, no?

  13. Anonymous7:33 PM


  14. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I had noticed something was different with her. Comparing the Photos from when she was dating, to now that she is married, her face has changed dramatically. Now, i can see why. She definetely had a nose job!!! No wonder! :)

  15. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Seems like once a woman hooks up with Tom Cruise, she starts having plastic surgeries! She'll look like Nicole Kidman before she knows's already happening.

  16. Anonymous6:30 PM

    She looks so much older than she did before. I don't think she looks very attractive or healthy anymore.

  17. Anonymous5:38 PM

    At first I thought she actually had a nose job, but after looking at the "after" picture more closely, I can see that she just has a good makeup artist. If you look at the tip of her nose you will see what I am talking about. The shape of her "old" nose is still there. It has just been made to look more narrow by applying shadowing techniques.

  18. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I think she got cheek implants and a chin implant as well as a nose job. In her most recent pictures at the Valkyrie premiere (where she debuts the long hair extensions), her jaw line looks very angular and she appears to not be able to smile. I thought she looked great before Tom. I also agree that all the work was done after getting married to Tom

  19. I don't think this girl has had anything done. She was beautiful before and she's beautiful now. She's ageing normally, and she obviously likes experimenting with different looks.
