Saturday, May 12, 2007

Virginia Madsen Admits to Botox and Juvederm

Oscar nominated actress Virginia Madsen has admitted to having both Botox and Juvederm injections, according to the latest People Magazine:

Pointing to the bridge between her eyes, the Sideways Oscar nominee, 45, told a New York press luncheon that "over the years" she's put the wrinkle-erasing product to use in order to deal with her "11" lines, and "more recently," she said, she's also used Juvéderm to correct the creases at the sides of her mouth. "
As I started to talk about it and as it ended up in print there was such an overwhelming response from friends and family, lots and lots of actors, people on the street," said Madsen, who is the new spokesperson for Allergan, Inc. – the maker of Botox and Juvéderm. "They were surprised that I looked so 'normal.' "
Madsen, whose mother, Elaine Madsen, was at her side, said: "That is how it should be. I don't have that sort of frozen look that we have talked about."

She really looks good. There are SO many actors and actresses who have Botox treatments but don't admit to it (which is just fine) or speak out against it (which is hypocritical). It's nice to see someone come out of the Botox closet without worry. I wonder how much the company is paying her?

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I have a lot of respect for Virginia Madsen. She's been very frank about the fact that they were going to lose their house because she couldn't pay the bills and then she got Sideways and everything changed. But she played Sideways without Botox and obviously looked beautiful there as well. But she can afford it now and she's right: she doesn't look Nicole Kidman-level frozen.

  2. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Good on her. Nicole Kidman take note.

  3. Anonymous3:28 AM

    I'm not generally a fan of any type of plastic surgery or "cosmetic enhancement." Most of the time it looks like what it is--a feeble attempt to fool others into thinking that the person who has had the surgery is younger than they really are. All too often it's also an attempt by certain people to forever look like they're 21. Virginia Madsen is a good example of what responsible and reasonable cosmetic work looks like. She still looks like a middle-aged woman (which she is, and no one should see anything wrong with that), but some of the harsher effects of aging have been softened to maker her photograph better.
    It's not a bad thing to be over 40, and actors and actresses have to get over the idea that it is. Ms. Madsen seems to have. Personally, I love to see a woman who has embraced the fact that she can still be attractive in middle age. It is not required of all women to look like they're between 18 and 24.

  4. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I am a 50 year old woman without any lines or wrinkles on my face. When I was a teenager I had severe acne and my dermatologist told me the best thing I can do for my skin is stay out of the sun. It has truely worked:) However, if those lines and wrinkles do start coming in (and I know they will!) I am certainly not opposed to Botox. I just want to know the name of Virginia Madsen's doctor!

  5. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Virginia Madsen is stunning. It's too bad that all plastic surgeons/dermatologist don't hold the high standard that her doctor does. This man certainly takes great pride in his work.
