Monday, August 06, 2007

Courtney Love - Breast Implants?

A funny site called "Make Boobs Not Bombs" has a post on Courtney Love's possible breast implants. In it they state:

Her implants have been barely covered on the news, with all the other juicy trash gossip rags can find about her. She later got her implants removed when she started to feel her breast hardening and ripples on the lower portion of her boobs were starting to show.

I'm not sure where they got this information from, but if it's on the internet it must be true ;) With all the bad news out of Iraq, the website "Make Boobs Not Bombs" is a breath of fresh air. If only the insurgants, militants, and President Bush would focus more on breast implants and less on war, the world would be a much safer place.

To view a video of a breast augmentation I performed on Fox News, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    speaking of boobs not bombs, i saw a documentary last nite on sundance channel about the epidemic of nose jobs in iran. it was quite interesting especially when the religious leaders tried to explain it. any comments dr.

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Courtney Love? In 2007? I must have entered a wormhole to 10 years ago. I'm not sure who really cares about Ms. Love anymore, and as I've said many times before, I'm not sure why so many people care about celebrity boob jobs. Yes, women in the spotlight get augmentations. But so do plenty of "normal" women. I work for a plastic surgeon in New York who specializes in breast augmentation on Long Island, and there are many good reasons for these surgeries. Women from all walks of life want to look their best, that shouldn't be scandalous.

  3. Anonymous11:09 AM

    what's up with the influx of people plugging their bosses in the comments section? seems tacky.

  4. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I saw a topless photo of Ms Love from an amazing exhibit of Herb Ritt's photos and her boobie surgery scars are very visible.

  5. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I didn't think her augmentation was a secret. She did it way back when she started messing with her face.

  6. Anon- I haven't heard much about the Iran nose jobs story. Feel free to provide a link.
    I have also noticed quite a few people plugging their plastic surgery bosses. I am surprised so many would do this. I wonder if there is some business that people pay to post messages like this to 'advertise' them? Interesting.

  7. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Oh yes, there are lots of spammers out there; and lots of free range shouldn't-you-be-filing-charts-or-something really defensive defenders of their bosses.

    That, to mine expert eye, looks like paid-for spam.
