Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Jodie Foster on Plastic Surgery

Academy Award winning actress Jodie Foster has recently spoke out on her views of plastic surgery. According to Actress Archives.com:

She tells American magazine More, "It's not my thing. I don't have anything against it for other people. Whatever they want to do, I'm fine with it.
"For me, it's really a self-image thing. Like, I'd rather have somebody go, 'Wow, that girl has a bad nose,' than 'Wow, that girl has a bad nose job.'
"I'd rather have a comment about who I am than about something that identifies me as being ashamed of who I am."

Hmm... What about the rhinoplasty, breast augmentation and facelift that she's had???

just kidding.

Photo credit: photorazzi.com

Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Scar, schmar. That is one incredibly gorgeous woman.

  2. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Man, you had me for a second. Jodie Foster can do whatever the hell she wants, she's the queen.

  3. Anonymous1:27 AM

    ok so she explicitly states that anyone who has plastic surgery is ashamed of themselves. Knowing how intelligent she is, I think she may regret that comment. You just can't generalise like that. People would have plastic surgery for a variety of reasons.

    I don't believe she's had anything done. She's aging well but you can see her eyelids hooding naturally. It looks fine however because she's very attractive to begin with.
