Sunday, September 23, 2007

Barry Manilow's Plastic Surgery

Barry Manilow recently performed for the Today show. Wow, has he had some work done! According to the National Enquirer (Aug 6, 2007), he underwent a facelift in 1995, another facelift with upper and lower blepharoplasty in 2003, and an additional facelift in 2006, as well as regular Botox injections.
When you compare his 'before' photo (1978) with the photo taken just a week ago, you can see that his brows and eyelids look very similar. His cheeks, however, are quite a bit fuller now, possibly signifying overdone fat grafting, cheek implants, or both. His skin is unnaturally taut for a 61 year old man, a sign of the previously mentioned facelifts with possible chemical peels or laser treatments.
While it's nice to hear that his voice sounds as pristine as ever, I'd like to see a bit more natural aging to his face. I believe that facial plastic surgery can create a very natural appearance when the goal is to take 10-20 years off someone. When we start to go after 25, 30, or even 40 years then people start looking fake. Maybe he should dedicate his song, "I Can't Smile Without You," to his plastic surgeon (no, not me).
Photo credit: pr

Thanks for reading.


  1. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Manilow look like a slightly more feminine version of Hillary Clinton, albeit with a bigger schnozolla.

  2. Uh I have a question; why would you take the word of a gossip rag like the National Enquirer as gospel? Barry spent nearly all of 1995 touring, and if I'm not mistaken it takes time for the bruising and swelling from that type of procedure to go down. I don't know when he would have had the time in 2006 either. He had eight weeks off after his hip surgery to repair the torn cartilage but I doubt he would have had it done then.

    His skin may look unnaturally smooth when you look at him because it's usually on tv or in pictures of him onstage or just coming off before he's removed the makeup he has to wear. When you look at him in pictures where he's wearing street clothes and out shopping or going out to eat you can tell the difference. Oh, and Barry's not 61, he's a very attractive 64 whose taken care of himself by eating right, not abusing drugs or alcohol, and exercising 3 times a week.

  3. Anonymous11:36 AM

    crissy, i love me some barry manilow, too -- but the photos don't lie! the man has had some work done.

  4. Anonymous4:33 PM


    put down the crack pipe

  5. crissy, i love me some barry manilow, too -- but the photos don't lie! the man has had some work done.
    I guess I should have made myself clearer: I don't deny he's had some work done. I just don't think he first had it done in 95, and I have no idea if he's had anything else done since 2003. When you see pictures of him without the stage makeup his skin isn't as smooth as you might think and there are lines around his eyes.

    As for whoever told me to put down the crack pipe, that was uncalled for and not amusing in the least.

  6. Anonymous4:58 AM

    That's just not right... I don't like people who had something done after looking through the before and after galleries here
    Most of the patients look better before than after.
    I think Manilow would look better if he looked like his age. Being young-looking for a 60-and-aomething is just not right and nice.

  7. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Thanks, Doctor, for addressing Barry Manilow's unnatural face -- I wish he had let himself age more. He looks so weird now that it's distracting to watch him. And I've been a fan for years.

    Crissy, sweetie, you're in denial.

  8. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Get real!!! (Or get glasses). The National Enquirer doesn't need to tell us long time fans anything! We can see it ourselves!!!!! Barry has had a LOT of stuff done to his face!! A nip and tuck here and there is okay, but he's done way too much! He doesn't look natural anymore. The man is 64 years old (yes, that is his CORRECT age). Wish he would have aged gracefully like all of his fans!!

  9. Anonymous8:42 AM

    he can't move anything except his bottom lip these days - he's a bit like a thunderbird puppet

  10. I wish people would leave him alone. He's in the entertainment business where you HAVE to have work done, like it or not. Because sadly it's a youth obsessed business. He's a very handsome, sexy man regardless. And having seen him in concert more times then I can count I can assure you he can move more then his bottom lip.

    I think plastic surgery is nothing to be ashamed of and people should not criticize people for having it. Let's face it, if everyone could afford it, everyone would have it. Even those who claim they're "aging gracefully."

  11. Anonymous3:18 PM

    For goodness sakes they need to change his name to Scary Manilow. That is some wicked looking plastic surgery - I guess he is trying to look good for the younger men he is trying to attract?

  12. Anonymous10:55 PM

    PS - saw Jackson Browne the other night... another case of bad eye surgery gone worse... Why the heck would HE want to look fake? I really don't get it.

  13. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I saw Barry on The Tonight Show last night and was slightly saddened by his look. Why would anyone with such a public image do this?

  14. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I tuned into Conan O'Brien in the middle of the Barry Manilow interview last night and thought it was Andy Richter wearing a Manilow Mask and that they were in the middle of some comedy bit.

  15. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Looks like a gay older women
