Friday, February 22, 2008

Christie Brinkley Afraid of Plastic Surgery?

According to a recent interview, model Christie Brinkley was scared away from plastic surgery after seeing a facelift performed on a reality television show:

Brinkley, 54, reveals, "I don’t rule it out, I’m just a chicken. I stumbled upon a (TV) channel once, where I actually saw the guy (surgeon) with his hand inside the person’s cheek. I just don’t think I would be brave enough for that."

While plastic surgery is definitely not for everybody, it's very easy for one of the world's most beautiful women to say something like this since she doesn't need it anyway!

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Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM you really think that she hasn't had any?

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    As beautiful as Christie Brinkley is, I think she has had some major work done on her. Her plastic surgeon was probably paid a hefty sum to keep his or her mouth shut.

  3. Anonymous9:46 PM

    How many 54 yr. olds have a jawline like that naturally? She's obviously had a little work done

  4. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I agree. AND I just read an article in this weeks People that Lisa Rinna says that those are her natural lips!! Come On!!!

  5. Anonymous5:08 PM

    she had work done years ago

  6. I just saw the infomercial for Chuck Norris' TotalGym System that Christie is helping to promote and noticed that her 54 year old breasts were sitting perky like a 25 year old's. They obviously were not supported by a sports bra beneath because it looked like they were freezing cold.

  7. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I agree, she's had some work done.
    I do not know any 54 year Caucasian women who have been sun worshipers without seeing sun damage to their skin later in life.
    And after three children, women breasts don't sit that high or she must have a very good bra.

  8. Anonymous11:17 PM

    oh puhlease! Did she make those comments before or after her rather aggressive face lift! These women really annoy me - they would have us believe they are somehow more blessed and 'lucky' than us normal folks.

  9. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I don't believe her for sure she had work done before...

  10. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Let me guess, she's got a portrait in her attic getting old for her.

    Either that, or she's somehow a lot "braver" than she lets on, because she's got the face of a 30-year old.

  11. Anonymous3:24 AM

    OMG, she's MORE gorgeous at age 54 than some of the 24-year-olds that I've seen, including my 31-year-old self! She's a rarity for sure. But, with or without plastic surgery, I still think she's beautiful. If you're going to do it [plastic surgery] then do it right.

  12. Anonymous1:46 AM

    She has had so much surgery. It's just ridiculous that she thinks people can't tell. Her eyes are bordering on Burt Reynolds-looking.

    The rest of the stuff she's had done looks good. Her skin and jawline definitely look like very good work was done.

  13. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Sorry, you actually can have genes like that! People think my mom (56) is about 40. If she had access to the same amounts of time and money and could get facials and laser treatments all the time, she'd probably be able to knock off another several years. That's officially not "plastic surgery" and I bet she does a lot of work. Fake blonde hair helps, too.

    I don't think she has ever denied having had breast surgery, though.

  14. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I agree with whoever said that it is in the genes. It is is nonsense to believe that plastic surgery is the fix all for everything. From what I've seen in celebrity magazines, it looks quite obvious who has had plastic surgery. It shows and not in a positive way. I am the same age as Christie and I get it all the time that I look 40ish. In fact people have laughed at me because they can't get over how youthful I look. It runs in the family, and how you look after yourself.

  15. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Good genes is absolutely right! She has been a vegetarian since she was a teenager. Both my mother and father look silly work done either. I am currently 49 and everyone tells me I look like I am in my 30s. I have led healthy drugs, little alchohol, and a vegetarian lifestyle. It, all women look great after they get rid of a bad guys.

  16. Anonymous4:19 PM

    It is a relief to read the last two posts. I'm 50 -which is still hard to say -- yet most people think I"m about 33 or 34. I have only two lines around my eyes; not any others.
    Skin is still smooth -- I guess because of the oily skin I used to hate. And my mom was the same way. People have thought my brother is in his 20s -- and he's 44. It is possible to look younger than you are without surgery (which scares me, as I'm afraid of doctors in general). At almost 50, Valerie Bertinelli looks pretty much the same way she did on "One Day at a Time" -- and now, with her weight loss, she looks to be at least 15 years younger than she is. I don't know about Christie Brinkley's surgery status, but let's not always assume anyone over 45 is automatically going to look like a withered, sagging, shriveled up old hag. That's a depressing thought for lots of young women out there -- no wonder they are desperate to get married and start on Botox at such an early age. They feel they have only a few years to be attractive.

  17. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I am just guessing that Ms. Brinkley had some work done on her face because very few white women would look this good at her age. It's possible she has great genes. But that chin is so sharp. Plus her breasts looks almost like a 30 yrs old's suspicious!

  18. Anonymous1:08 AM

    She has great genes, great bone structure, AND a great plastic surgeon. Anyone who thinks she hasn't had anything done is just NUTS. But she looks fabulous, and what she's had done is tasteful and very well done. Who is rumored to be her surgeon, anyway?
