Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kim Kardashian - Breast Implants?

Does Kim Kardashian have breast implants? Take a look at some photos from It does appear that her breasts have gotten unnaturally larger.

Does she have both breast and buttock implants?? Click here for my previous post on her possible buttock augmentation.

To view a video of a breast augmentation I performed for Fox News, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Well, she's had a nose job at least...

  2. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Looks real to me

  3. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Dude, SHE WAS A KID!!!!!

  4. They do look unnaturally large and I have always wondered if they were implants. However, she is a wonderfully curvy woman with flesh on her, so they could be real. Even if they are implants, the fact that she does have flesh and curves makes them look real and balanced on her frame. Thankfully she doesn't have that bobble head or that "boobs on a stick" look. Good for her for maintaining womanly curves!

  5. Anonymous3:56 PM

    She's Armenian. Most Armenian women I know have big chests and buttocks.

  6. Anonymous6:13 PM

    in the before picture, her breasts are quite large. perhaps she gained weight and her breasts grew?

  7. Anonymous4:20 AM

    It figures. She was even on Fitness RX magazine, talking about how she keeps her curves. Me being a curvy woman, without surgery I wanted some tips. I know about photoshopping that is just a given, but all this fake lips, boobs, ass, and removing cellulite is just ridiculous. I don't think I will ever pay attention to her again.

  8. Anonymous11:51 PM

    She's as natural as Lil Kim. Same breast implants?
