Saturday, July 19, 2008

Aja Rock's Breasts - What's Going On Here?

Aja Rock is a famous New Zealand model and music artist. Here is a photo fo her with rocker Tommy Lee. What's going on with her breasts?

It appears to me to be a capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is the result of excess scar developing around a breast implant, making the breast appear hard and round. If severe, the scar tissue can develop a separation from the normal tissue of the breast, which is what I think may be happening here.

Check out more of my comments in
For more on Aja Rock, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous5:04 AM

    That is hella ugly. Are there any signs going into breast surgery that someone may have to deal with something like that later?

    I've never had cosmetic surgery, but I was turned down for human branding (hey, any hipster can have a tattoo, right?) because the practitioner thought I'd heal too fully and too quickly. So surely there are ways to determine in advance who'll have weird banding and who won't, yes?

  2. Raincoaster,
    Unfortunately, there is no definite way to predict when a person will get a capsular contracture. I wish there was! That would save me the occasional (rare) grief of this complication.

  3. Ooo that doesn't look good at all. I feel sorry for her, but at the same time, why didn't she cover the area more, instead of leaving the bulge so exposed?

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    It looks like this photo was changed to look like that line is there....

    I have seen many other canded photos of this NZ model and her breast doesn't look like that.

  5. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Thats rank aye, I hate how she is talked about as being a kiwi, she's just some bullshit american who lives in New Zealand thats all...she's a bit of a disgrace frankly
