Saturday, November 15, 2008

Radiologist Liposuction Doctor Drives to Work in a Car Fueled by His Patients' Liposuction Fat

Crazy story I found on Dr. Disaia's blog. Apparently there is a radiologist who practices liposuction surgery in Beverly Hills. He has committed himself to going green, and even utilizes the liposuction fat of his patients to fuel his SUV as he drives to and from work! I wonder what the exhaust smells like? Ick.

According to Dr. Disaia's blog his office was recently raided by the Medical Board of California. Maybe if he threw out his patients' liposuction fat like everybody else and drove an electric car to work he would still be in business!

To view his website, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Is there any truth to there being a recall on all the fillers out on the market? A friend was talking about that the other day and I havent heard anything to the sort.

  2. Not that I know of...
