Saturday, November 01, 2008

Top 10 Celebrities Who Don't Need a Mask This Halloween

Celebrity Smack has a post on the Top 10 Celebrities Who Don't Need a Mask This Halloween. Every single one appears to have had bad plastic surgery of some kind. I didn't see any kids wearing costumes of these celebs last night. I did see a pretty good Iron Man though...

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. You're so cool. :)

    LOVED the Montel Video~!

    -Spicy, Celebrity Smack

  2. Anonymous10:05 PM

    The comments at that site were mean spirited. That's what I like about your blog. You're fair and not nasty. Also, am I missing something? What is wrong with Kim? She looks fine to me. And aside from a distorted mouth, Presley is gorgeous. Joan Rivers was a homely young woman and now, although odd looking, she's quite glamorous and not saggy at 75.

    David Gest probably looks better than he did before surgery. The only really disturbing looking person (aside from the obvious "Cat Woman") was Wayne Newton. Now, that IS strange.
