Friday, December 05, 2008

Who Has The Smoother Skin?

There is something terribly wrong when a 63 year old's skin is as smooth as a 17 year old's skin. Good plastic surgery isn't this extreme. Check out for more photos.

To view an interview I did with the Fox News Channel on Priscilla, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I just don't think she looks that bad, to be honest.

  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    But that's the whole point of going through peels and laser and cosmetic surgery-to have 17-year-old skin when you're 63. What's wrong with that idea?

    In Presley's case, her mouth and cheeks look distorted, but her overall appearance is glamorous despite the defects. She looks a lot better than my 63-year-old neighbor.

  3. Anonymous11:11 PM

    OMG, Dr. Youn, do you read Dlisted too? I love that site!

    Priscilla Presley has had some horrible things done to her. She used to be so gorgeous. Honestly, I think she's pretty despite all the bad work. Shame... She'd still be gorgeous without it.

  4. Anonymous5:57 PM

    The idea isn't to look fifty years younger than you actually are -- anyone who wants/gets that result can only look freakish!

  5. Anonymous10:24 AM

    She looks good except the lips. The lips are too large and look too manipulated. She is such a beautiful woman and I loved her on Dallas years ago. I wish she didn't do as much as she did though. But I do admit, her skin does look so smooth! Hmmm!

  6. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Grow old gracefully. God made us that way so we could learn that there are things more important than beauty.Sorry Priscilla, but you look like a freak why don't you trying growing old instead of trying to look like a teenager, your face is mess, you used to be a pretty woman but no more sorry!!

  7. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Why does David Archuleta always look like he just woke up from a nap?
