Thursday, January 08, 2009

Lisa Rinna Admits to Too Much Juvederm

Lisa Rinna has gone on record admitting that she's had too much Juvederm injected into her cheeks. According to

I had Juvederm put in my cheeks. That's what I overdid -- big time. I tried it because my girlfriends did it. I thought: I'll do it! I saw a photo and I was like, "Oh Jesus. That's no good. That's NOT good." What I learned is that I don't really need it. You get older and insecure and you think you need it and you don't. I learned less is more. Keep your skin good. But, I still like Botox. It's great! It doesn't change the shape of my face... I look like a freak! I always said I wouldn't change my face, but I did it. I can't not be honest about it. I'd look like a fool. It's so obvious... I used to feel like it was nobody's business. But when this happened, I realized I couldn't hide it.

Cheeks? CHEEKS? What about her lips?
While I think her lips are majorly overdone, it is nice to hear a Hollywood star be candid and not deny the obvious. She does seem like a pretty down-to-earth person.

For a previous post containing my opinion on what Lisa Rinna had put into her lips, click here.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Yeah this is a definite tactic. Talk about one thing in the hope it will draw attention away from another. She's still a hypocrite if she says she didn't want to change the shape of her face and yet she's blown her lips out of all proportion.

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    I personally have no problems with people who have cosmetic procedures done. What they do and why they do it is their business; who am I to judge?

    While Lisa may have gone overboard with some cosmetic procedures, I have a LOT more respect for her than for all the other celebs who have obviously had work done but won't admit it!!

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I've served her in person. She's anything but down to earth!
