Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mischa Barton - Aging, Drugs, or Weight Loss? has posted this photo of an extremely gaunt Mischa Barton. What has happened to her? Her face has gotten extremely thin and wasted. Can this be aging, drugs, or weight loss (or a combination)?

As the face ages, it loses volume. The best surgical treatment for this is facial fat grafting. Nonsurgically, Sculptra (although not FDA approved for this purpose) is a fine treatment for volumizing a gaunt face, but takes several treatment sessions.

Mischa was such an attractive woman before. Hopefully she can gain some weight, get healthy, and maybe even try a little fat grafting if needed.

Thanks for reading,
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    She's too young to need fat grafting. You can see the suppleness to her cheeks. What she needs is food. Or it could be just a bad pic. Sometimes a picture can make you look, not at all like your real self.

  2. Anonymous8:43 PM

    she's obviously sucking in her cheeks in the photo so that's part of the problem.

  3. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Part of the problem is that her eyes look dead...

  4. Anonymous6:46 PM

    She just recently lost a large amount of weight. I wouldn't graft fat on her, the girl is 23 years old...
    She just needs a sandwich!

  5. Anonymous5:48 PM


    The problem is how did she managed to lose a significant of weight in a short period of a time. Starvation? Drugs? Could be a combination of both. Only 23 and already looking like a 53. So sad.

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    A lesson to all the dieters - tend to loose in the face early on. Breasts too.

  7. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I agree with the dead eyes comment-- she looks unhealthy and unhappy.
