Saturday, February 14, 2009

CNN on the OctoMom / Angelina Jolie resemblance

CNN's Jeanne Moos reports in this video on the resemblance between the OctoMom and Angelina Jolie. The more I hear about the OctoMom the weirder she seems. Rhinoplasty and Lip augmentation - Looks like it. Botox and blepharoplasty - Maybe.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I think too much emphasis is being made on her looking like Angelina. Why aren't people making more of a big deal about the Doctor that implanted her with all of the embryos!?!?!?

  2. I think they are making a big deal about that doctor, who may end up losing his license.

  3. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Thank you Dr. Youn for commenting on this OctoMom person. Looks like she may also have had cheek implants put in....

  4. I think they are both weird actually (octomom and jolie)...

    both seem to suffer from some kind of personality disorder...
