Sunday, October 18, 2009

Stephanie Pratt - Trout Pout

Is this the same person? Surprisingly this is Stephanie Pratt before and after she apparently had her lips plumped up with a filler like Juvederm. While a little filler looks nice, too much filler can be a mess. I can't blame her, though. Being the sister of that tool Spencer Pratt can cause even the most stable person to go off the deep end.
At least her lips will settle down within a few months and her trout pout will turn into more of a flounder face...


  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    You crack me up!

  2. this is the same dumb twat that just arrested for drunk driving. why does she even get air time? anhow....

    love your blog!

  3. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Any thoughts on her very obvious nose job>

  4. While I agree that her lips are over-inflated, I would not use the term "trout pout" to describe her lips. To me a "trout pout" suggests that normal lip anatomy has been disregarded in the attempt to hypersexualize the lips. ( Stephanie's injector, on the other hand, has in fact respected normal lip anatomy. The various curves and prominences have been enhanced, and proportions have been maintained. While I agree that Stephanie should have opted for a more subtle change, the overall effect is reasonable. Bottom line: The lips are over-done, but they are not representative of a "trout pout."

  5. I have no idea who she or her sister may be, but I believe that she looks better with her plumper lips. Her before upper lip is much too thin to be attractive. I usually detest the trout look but, in this case, I like it.

  6. Anonymous9:34 PM

    could you do a post on Bernadette Peters?

  7. Anonymous1:34 AM

    nice nose job

  8. Anonymous8:05 PM

    I feel bad for Stephanie because she has come out with her eating disorder and she said there's lots of pressure on The Hills to be thin ... and probably lots of pressure to have procedures done as well. She doesn't even look like herself any more but at least she doesn't look bad. I am afraid for her though, I'm afraid that she won't stop.

  9. SarahV11:51 AM

    How about the agressive nose job!
