Friday, November 06, 2009

Alec Baldwin: "I Intend" To Have Plastic Surgery

Alec Baldwin is quoted in this week's Entertainment Weekly on the possibility he may have plastic surgery:

"I have a great ass, if I may say so," the It's Complicated actor, 51, tells Entertainment Weekly in its annual holiday movie preview issue. "That's a part of my body that needs no surgical enhancement or rearranging."
Still, Baldwin, who turned to an "ass double" when he had to to show off his derriere in the new comedy, out Christmas Day, says he wouldn't rule out getting cosmetic enhancements.
"I'm not saying I wouldn't do something! I intend to do something," he says. "I probably will. Let's put it this way: I wouldn't rule it out because... You don't think I wake up every day and wish I looked like this and this and this? But I can't let that bother me."

All of the Baldwin brothers (except maybe Billy, whom I haven't see in a long time) are looking pretty rough over the past few years.

I've never forgotten how he called his daughter a "thoughtless little pig" several years ago. I have a little daughter myself and can't imagine how someone could say that. I think Alec Baldwin is a hairy, obnoxious jerk... He does make some good movies and TV though.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. You think of Alec Baldwin as a hairy obnoxious jerk and I think of him as a handsome, sexy, witty, exciting man involved in an unhappy marriage and with an unfortunate hair-trigger temper. Get used to him. He's co-hosting the Oscars next year.

  2. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I agree with your thoughts about Alec Baldwin, Dr. Youn. How could he call his daughter such horrible names?

  3. Parents say and do worse things to kids. He just happens to be famous so people pay attention.

  4. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I bet your daughter is still little and adorable. Wait till she's a tween and teenager. You may be calling her things you never thought possible. :-)

  5. I am shocked at how many emails I have received condoning Alec's calling his daughter a "pig." Maybe I'm in the minority to think this is a horrible thing to say. It's a sad statement on society.

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I remember that Baldwin and Basinger's divorce/custody battle was a contentious affair, and I'm sure that the media attention to it didn't help their daughter, Ireland, to adjust to the changes the family went through. When your parents are splitting up, sometimes you feel torn; you try to be loyal to one parent but it often puts you in an uncomfortable position with the other parent. I cannot fathom the pain of my father calling me a "pig" on top of all of that baggage. I'm glad to see that they seem to have mended their relationship, though.

  7. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I would be surprised if any celebrity said that he/she would NOT have plastic surgery.

  8. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Parents lose their temper, it happens. The worst part about the "little pig" voicemail was Kim releasing it to TMZ.

  9. Anonymous10:26 PM

    There's no doubt Alec Baldwin was wrong to call his daughter names; I pray God deals with him about his temper and his mouth and that his relationship with his daughter is healed. But...I have to say it: he has THE most perfect chest hair I have ever seen on a man, and he's still as handsome and sexy as ever. Hubba, hubba!!
