Sunday, November 01, 2009

Cosmetic Surgery on a Budget: From

Here is a link to an interesting article from concerning cosmetic surgery on a budget. They name 6 procedures that are more affordable than ever:
1. Spider vein laser treatment
2. Micro-hair grafting
3. Facial spot removal
4. Earlobe lift
5. Zerona fat removal
6. Latisse eyelash thickener

Check out the article here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Zerona? I agree with the other 5 of the 6, but I don't know about the Zerona. It sounds great, but I have not seen any good research validating its efficacy. Dr. Youn, what's your experience? I am hesitant to add this service to my practice unless I have evidence of its safety and efficacy.

  2. The Zerona laser does appear to do what its manufacturers claim. The big challenge, however, is making sure the patients have realistic expectations. It is not anywhere near as dramatic as real liposuction, but does remove inches.

  3. Anonymous6:59 PM

    How does the melted fat get out of the body? After you zap the fat and melt it, does it get suctioned out?
