Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ever Get Plastic Surgery For Christmas?

Have you ever received a health/beauty-related Christmas gift that was mildly insulting, such as plastic surgery? If you have, a national news website wants to hear your story. Email me at and I will forward your story to the writer!

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Do you have someone writing your blog for you now? Your entries are usually error free with the exception of the last 2. Are you OK?

  2. It's a thin line. So many of our patients asked for gift certificates to our Med Spa for Christmas. I guess it's a little different when the recipient knowingly asks, as opposed to getting the gift out of the blue.

  3. Anon- Ha! No, I have not had anyone else write blog entries for me. Never have, although I've had many offers. Just a couple typos I didn't catch...
