Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kim Kardashian Admits to Botox? Ho hum...

Kim Kardashian has admitted to Botox and... nothing else. In a recent interview she has denied having her nose or breasts operated on. Her mom Kris also denied having a rhinoplasty, which, from what I remember about how she looks, seems untruthful to me.

Did any of you see Kim getting Velashape on her reality show to smooth her cellulite? Yes, she does have cellulite like 90% of women (and a few guys... check out Howard Stern's Fartman photos).

Thanks for reading.

Anthony Youn, M.D.:


  1. I think Kim is absolutely beautiful, and I don't think she's had a whole lot done. I'm sure she's had more done than she let's on, but she's certainly no Heidi Pratt! She got some great genetics from her mom's side of the family... dark shiny hair, gorgeous skin, big boobs, and an unreal booty. So many people think her boobs and booty are fake, but they forget that there are tons of Armenian women walking around with curves just like Kim's, but since they're not famous, no one even notices. There's no doubt Kim has had some surgery, but probably not much more than the rest of us :)

  2. Eeoow. Stern is so gross. He'd be good on Idol maybe so long as he didn't eclipse the talent (or lack thereof). Kim K. looks good in that pic, no?

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I think Kim DOES have breast implants. She recently dropped a lot of weight, lost a lot in her face and other places on her body but miraculously lost none in her breasts. I don't think she has big implants, I'm guessing she was a full B or small C before and she went up a size with a small implant under the muscle.
