Saturday, July 31, 2010

"Nup / Tuck" - Chelsea Clinton's Pre-Wedding Plastic Surgery?

There's quite a bit of speculation that Chelsea Clinton may have undergone a "Nup / Tuck," aka pre-wedding plastic surgery. She certainly has never looked better. A friend of mine, Dr. Jennifer Walden, has commented to The Examiner that she believes Chelsea underwent a rhinoplasty and chin augmentation. After looking at photos, I would agree with her, although it can be difficult to separate what changes may be due to plastic surgery versus natural maturation.

In addition, Chelsea's gummy smile appears to be improved, which can be due to a surgical gummy smile repair (where the muscles that elevate the lip are cut) or Botox injections to paralyze these same muscles.

Either way, Chelsea looks great, and I hope her big day was a terrific one for her. I remember my wedding day vividly. Best day of my life!

Photo credit: The Examiner

Thanks for reading.

Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Chelsea looks a) fabulous and b) different. Her chin looks way prettier. Good for her. She was a beautiful bride and I hope she has a wonderful life...

  2. Is there any Improvements on her face after the surgery?

  3. Definitely a big improvement. I have always thought that Chelsea looks weird. Not now though...

  4. Anonymous2:17 AM

    I think the biggest improvement is her hair. Her facial features do not work well with the kinky red hair (you have to be a real beauty to pull that off!). The lighter hair color and straight style are much better for her.

  5. I am getting married in six months I was hoping you could give me some advice on pre-wedding plastic surgery. If you only have six months to recover from it a procedure what are some of the more popular cosmetic surgery procedures that women are having done. Do a lot of women do pre-wedding plastic surgery?
