Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Kenny Rogers Part I

The Gambler has gambled on some plastic surgery...and won?? Kenny Rogers was on "American Idol" tonight, looking pretty decent. I believe he's had upper and lower eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty) performed, making his eyes look wide open. It's a good job, since it doesn't make him look too effeminate, like some men who appear to have had work done (Michael Douglas - eyelids, Robert Redford - eyelids, David Gest - yikes!). An upper eyelid lift takes about an hour, can be performed with twilight anesthesia (not general), and has a recovery time of a week or so. Pain is almost nonexistent.
By the way, I thought it was a lackluster night tonight on AI. I'm rooting for Chris, Kelly Pickler, or Mandiva (my favorite, Lisa, got voted off last week!). Bucky, Taylor and Ace need to hit the road!


  1. At least the white beard is still there...

  2. Anonymous11:27 PM

    I agree, he just doesn't look like Kenny Rogers to me so much now. But, he does look happy and doesn't look fake, so good on you, Kenny.

  3. I was so shocked to see Kenny tonight on AI that it got me googling him and plastic surgery and I eventually ended up here. Maybe a good job as far as surgery goes but it seemed more like some look a like celebrity standing in or something. He looked off, not like Kenny. What's the point of surgery if you loose your identity? Hope he doesn't regret it.

  4. I haven't seen Kenny in quite a while, and I would agree with the posts that if he looks too different, it is not good plastic surgery. If he looks more like an older version of Kenny, however, that is good work.

  5. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

  6. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

  7. Anonymous11:10 PM

    How can the authoris this article say he had a "good job" performed? Its looks awful to me!

  8. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I feel embarrassed for Kenny - he could join Michael Jackson's freak show.

  9. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Awful - just AWFUL. He never looked like that as a young man either, so what did this face lift do (besides make him look freakish). Yuck. There was nothing wrong with him before, and it isn't as if he was a supermodel or anything so why the lift?

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Kenny Rogers was in my book a handsome man and still would be as he enters into an older age brackett, but he has made a big mistake in getting this surgery on his eyes, because they are way too tight and look too small for his face. I'm all for plastic surgery and may have it done myself someday but this is scary.

  11. Who is this?

    It looks like a Kenny Rogers impersonator!

    Why do these people think that surgery is an answer?!
