Monday, May 01, 2006

Ashlee Simpson

Did Ashley Simpson get a nose job? I have been asked this by several leading celebrity magazines. It does appear to me that she has had her nose tweaked. It looks more straight and without quite the "bump" that she had before. The nose fits her face better. The sign of a good rhinoplasty is that the nose no longer takes attention away from the other attractive facial features (eyes, lips, cheekbones). The nose is meant to blend in with the face, not attract attention. Attention-getting noses are in general thought to be unattractive (see Howard Stern or Pinocchio). Therefore, I believe that it was a very nice job. Plus, she looks more like Jessica!
Photo credit:


  1. Feel free to email me any photos to, and I will be happy to make them part of the blog when I get a chance.
    Thanks for you kind comments!

  2. Tony,

    I think you're spot on here. Sure likes she had a dorsal hump rasped down & some tip work done. It's hard to tell from the angle whether she had bony work, I suspect not or there'd be more pictures of her with swelling. I'm guessing she may have had this done with a "closed" technique for the same reason (no picture of her with a lot of tip swelling floating around)

  3. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Is there less down time when only the tip is done? I've considered just getting the tip og my nose reduced making it look less bulbous

  4. Anonymous11:31 PM

    I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

  5. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Who did Ashlee Simpson's nose? It looks great and not "done".

  6. Rumors say it was Dr. Kanodia from Beverly Hills

  7. Anonymous10:11 PM

    SO how does one find the surgeon who "may or may not" have tweaked her nose.....I have been seeking a nose only surgeon who can help to rebuild my bridge. Any help would be welcomed
    I would even appreciate knowing who worked on Nancy Sinatra's nose. Appreciate any help here!

