Thursday, May 25, 2006

Jennifer Grey

Jennifer Grey is a good example of how a rhinoplasty can really change someone's looks, whether for good or bad. The removal of the bump on her nose (dorsal hump is the scientific term) made her look very different from Baby in "Dirty Dancing." I personally think she looks better, but the problem is that she doesn't look like she used to. Her nose was one of her defining features (like Julia Roberts without her lips, Cindy Crawford without her mole, or David Letterman without the gap between his front teeth), and now she just doesn't look the same. See some of the Jacksons for other examples.

Have a good Memorial Day weekend!


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I saw her at a taping of tv show here in Hollywood and I didn't recognize her.

    Doctor -- check out Ryan Secrest's picture from a few years ago on Makes me think he has had rhinoplasty -- and that it was executed. What do you think?

  2. Yeah, I agree that he's had some thinning of the nose done. He used to have a "bulbous" or overly round tip, but now it is much more refined. Nice pickup!

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Also, I just saw Tom Hanks on SNL and he is looking really good (not just the *new* hair.) New, nicely taut jawline.

  4. I just saw the DaVinci Code, and I wasn't too impressed with his neckline, but I may be wrong.

  5. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Yeah, she's different now, but she's really nice, too!!!

  6. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Jennifer Grey commented on Oprah that having a rhinoplasty ruined her career -- she was not recognizable afterwards, and so wasn't offered the same work that she had been before.

    Ironic, because she *does* look better after. And although I loved her in Dirty Dancing, it was hard not to constantly think "what a nose!"

  7. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I think also that her original rhinoplasty was botched up, and she had to go back several times to get it corrected.

  8. Anonymous8:36 PM

    She's obviously had more than a nose job, she looks like a completely different person.
