Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley has denied that her trademark pouty lips have been enhanced with a bit of plastic surgery. Admittedly, I haven't spent too much time looking at her lips. They may very well be natural, but I do wonder if she's had her teeth whitened. When she first came on the scene a couple years ago, I noticed some very British, yellowish teeth in her mouth. Now they appear much whiter, although I suppose it can be good camerawork and lighting.

Story and photo link:


  1. I wouldn't be sure. In some pictures I've seen, her upper lip does seem to fluctuate from very pouty to kind of thin, but that could just be makeup. Or maybe she, too, uses LipFusion ;-)

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    She's definitely had a nose job, but I don't know about the teeth. Also, saying that she had "British" teeth in the context that you used is kind of insulting, if you know what I mean...

  3. I haven't had a chance to look at her nose closely, but I don't believe offhand that it is an "obvious" rhinoplasty. I hope that the Austin Powers movies don't insult you too...

  4. Anonymous7:01 AM

    same anonymous here...Yes she has definitely had nose work done. I'll see if I can find the photos. Who hasn't had nose work done! It seems like there's no one left in the public eye who has their original nose.

    My comment about your use of the word British was that using it is typecasting, as if all British people have a certain kind of teeth. Which they don't. And you know that.

  5. She had pouty lips before?
    Perhaps it just appeared that way because of her slightly protruding jaw.

  6. Anonymous7:07 PM

    I read a couple of years ago, she had admitted she had gotten her upper lip plumped up and she was open and happy about it

  7. Anonymous1:06 PM

    i feel like she had something done to either her chin, teeth, or her jaw, it looks different when she was in pride and prejudice and pirates of the caribbean, especially when she smiles

  8. Anonymous12:25 PM

    who cares about her teeth aslong as she is happy with herself the rest shouldn't matter
