Thursday, June 22, 2006

New Template

A New Template for the Celebrity Cosmetic Surgery Blog?
Yes, I've decided to change my template in respect for Dr. DiSaia's Cosmetic Surgery Truth Blog. From what I can tell ours are the two most visited blogs by plastic surgeons on the net today (apologies to any plastic surgeons whose blogs I am not familiar with). We have both used the same template, but his blog was the original one and so I've decided to switch so our blogs don't look so much alike.
Thanks for reading! I will keep the posts coming...


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    If you go to his website and click on the Gallery section at and compare photos of him in his Search For Tomorrow days with more recent photos I think his nose looks straighter and more defined. What do you think?

  2. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Me again! I was wondering if you've ever had to refuse to carry out more surgery on patients because you feel they've had enough? If so, does it happen often?
    Nice new template, by the way.

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I'd be interested on a surgeon's opinion on the current trend for at-home microdermabrasion kits. I've used one myself and I'm pleased with the results, my skin feels really smooth and my pores look tighter. Do you think these would work as well on more mature skin?

  4. Lots of questions...
    I do turn down about 20% of patients who come to see me in consultation. Usually it is due to unrealistic expectations, but can be because a patient is too young, is addicted to plastic surgery, or just won't get the improvement he or she is looking for. I often find that the patients whom I've operated on want to have more and more done because they are so happy with their results. Sometimes it is nice to just stop and "smell the roses" for a while before considering more surgery or treatments.
    Home microdermabrasion - This is a good idea but definitely not the same as a real microdermabrasion. What it basically does is exfoliate the skin, which is a nice thing to smooth it out. More mature skin should benefit as well. However, it is extremely unlikely that you would get a change similar to if it had been done with a state-of-the-art microdermabrasion machine.
    Lastly, I will look at Jeff Meek when I get a chance.
    Thanks for reading!

  5. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Love the new template. And always love the reference to K.

  6. That Asian mother you mentioned somewhere in this blog, who asked you if you'd do the Asian eyelid surgery on her 7-year-old son--now that's too much.

    Thanks for the link to my blog, by the way ;-)

  7. Jeff Meek - I am not familiar with him. I took a look at some of the photos, but none of the ones are all that obvious for a nose job. It may be obscured by lighting and camera work however.

  8. Anonymous8:14 AM

    There's one photo in particular where the tip of his nose looks quite off-center compared to the rest. Interestingly it's not as well-lit as the others.Looks like I've lost twenty bucks lol!
