Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle Pfeiffer told InStyle magazine that she “toys” with the idea of plastic surgery, but isn’t ready to go under the knife just yet. “When I’m rested, I look pretty darn OK. I can hold off on that facelift for another few years,” the 48-year-old said. “(But) when I’m feeling weary, then I think, maybe I better make that appointment.” Pfeiffer states that she tries not to “dwell” on aging despite the pressures to look young in Hollywood. “Aging happens to every single one of us. Once you accept that, it unburdens you.”

Although I cannot spot any obvious anti-aging work she's had done (except maybe some Botox), it does appear that she has had a rhinoplasty in the past. Her nose is very thin and pinched, and looks post-surgical. It has gotten a bit thinner with age. I have found this to be a common finding in post-rhinoplasty patients.
I still think she was an amazing Catwoman though...

Story credit: bostonherald.com


  1. Her nose has always been the most suspect thing about her, and it's looking suspiciously Michael Jackson-esque in that picture--but I still think she's one of the most beautiful women of a certain age in the world.

  2. Frankly, her lips are certainly fuller than the pencil thin lips she had in Scarface back in 1978 or 79

  3. I know someone who sees her regularly at a park in L.A. and he says she is pretty, but not drop-dead gorgeous.

  4. Anonymous1:47 AM

    She has definitely had her nose done.


    just like all these people have had their noses done:

    If you want to change something, change it, but don't expect people not to notice! How annoying when celebrities make a big deal about their own natural beauty when all the while they've had stuff done. I'd say if you won't admit to a nose job you probably wouldn't admit to a facelift either. Michelle should just be quiet on the subject, instead of spewing a bunch of nonsense about how naturally good she looks and how she hasn't had anything done.

  5. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "It has gotten a bit thinner with age. I have found this to be a common finding in post-rhinoplasty patients."

    Why does a post-rhinoplasty nose thin with age?

  6. The nose skin in general can get thinner with age, whether someone has had a rhinoplasty or not. I can't tell you exactly why this happens. In some people, I suppose the skin can actually thicken too. Especially people with rosacea.

  7. Anonymous1:53 AM

    I worked with a woman who said she saw Pfieffer after she had that surgery where the doctor makes the incision at the nostril line, which is makes one look like they have a full upper lip. I never believed this woman, but who knows?
