Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Extreme Makeover and the Swan

I was excited to see the first episode of the new Extreme Makeover this past Thursday night on ABC. Unfortunately, ABC cancelled it at the last minute and instead broadcast reruns of Gray's Anatomy. Bummer. Although I am partial to E!'s Dr. 90210, I do hope ABC finds a spot on their schedule for this show. I am not as fond of the Swan, which I thought was more of a freakshow. This was filmed during the time I was practicing in Beverly Hills. At the time I heard rumors of major complications in some of the Swan's contestants, who had apparently been overoperated on. This information never made it to the show's broadcast. Although I haven't heard official word about this, I do believe that the Swan's propensity to make everyone look the same (Overarched eyebrows, long curly hair, big lips, large chest, and tiny waist) was a bit disturbing. It is important to retain some of the characteristics that make each of us unique, otherwise everyone will end up looking like Brad Pitt and Pamela Anderson (or Burt Reynolds and Joan Rivers).


  1. I think The Swan lowered the bar about as low as it could go for our profession.

  2. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I couldn't quite put my finger on why I hated the Swan but you isolated it for me. They all look alike and what they look like are Transexuals.

  3. I agree somewhat... Dr Youn.
    I did enjoy watching the show because it really made the women feel good about themselves again. Sometimes when you are a stay at home mom/career woman you loose site of yourself and you put family/career 1st and yourself last. I am one of those woman! My weight has always been like a yoyo. I have been anywhere from 140 to 200 lbs. for 14yrs. Since the birth of my children my tummy looks like a road map. I would give anything to be able to turn my husbands head like I used to. Although I would not want to look fake or transexual after the procedure. I still want 2 look like Stacy... To feel sexy and beautiful again would be all I would ask. If I could afford you I would be on the next flight out to see YOU! Signed The Real Mom in Ks.
