Thursday, September 07, 2006

Brooke Shields

Brooke Shields has recently commented that she would not have plastic surgery due to her "claustrophobia." She stated, "I tried, like, Botox in my forehead... I got so claustrophobic. I would get claustrophobia if I had breast implants. I'd be like, 'Get them out, get them out.' My husband's very upset about that though. "It's a very foreign, man-made object in your body... I'm also attached to my face. It's been around in the public eye for so long."
Now, I get claustrophobic myself when lying in the bottom bunk of a bunkbed or trying to sleep in "couchettes" when riding the trains in Europe, but I've never had a patient complain about claustrophobia with plastic surgery.

Story and photo credit:


  1. Maybe she was afraid that Santa would give her plastic surgery for Christmas and she meant to say that she was "Claus-trophobic."

    Or, maybe she just doesn't know what the term really means...

    (Apologies for the bad pun!)

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Exactly, I really dont get the connection. Plastic surgery and claustrophobia just dont match.

  3. Why......why..............why would claustrophobia even be an issue?


  4. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Me thinks Brook may have already had some very well done plastic surgery --- her eyes perhaps?? Me thinks this may be case of the lady doth protest too much.

    My best,

  5. I get the same thing, if I have my teeth fixed in the very back molars, I have an anxiety attack. I've had times where I felt like pulling out my crowns.

  6. Anonymous11:16 PM

    And to think Brook went to college.

    Seriously though, I've often thought that in recent years Brooke has really lost her beauty. Now she looks a little hard and haunted if you know what I mean. I attribute that to the post-natal depression. Nothing ages more than illness.
