Monday, September 04, 2006

Steffi Graf

Has Steffi Graf had a rhinoplasty? I've been watching her husband, Andre Agassi, and his last run at a major title this past week. It was sad to see him retire, as he was the last of his era of great American tennis players (with Pete Sampras, Jim Courier, Michael Chang, Brad Gilbert, and even Todd Martin). Andre has always been my tennis role model, from his days as the long-haired, acid-washed jean short wearing young punk to his latter years as an elder statesman of the game. He brought more color to the game of tennis than just about anyone else before or after him (including Jimmy Connors and John McEnroe).
That brings us to Steffi. She looks fantastic. Has she had her nose done? I do believe so. Her nose does not appear as prominent as it used to be, and no longer seems to overtake the other, more attractive features of her face. It appears to be thinned out a bit and possibly shorter as well. A good rhinoplasty takes the emphasis of the nose away from the face, allowing other features to stand out. I wish them both the best in retirement. I hope that Andre's back gets better and he joins the "older guys" circuit someday as I'd like to see him play again.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I think the hairstyle in the picture above is a big help, too. The one in the below picture is godawful. Ahhh... the wonderful tradition of the wedding beauty-parlor up-do.

  2. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Her nose looks big as always. I see no difference at all.

  3. Tony,

    It's funny. I was watching that and thinking the same thing about Steffi's nose. Definately looks to have had infracturing & tip work done. It completely changed the aesthetic appeal of her face in a very good way.

    Some time you should put pictures of Sting up from the late 1970's as compared to now to show another example of good rhinoplasty

  4. Just out of curiosity, are there ways to straighten out the nose? Because it looks smaller, but it still seems off-center to me. Not that she doesn't look fine, I'm just sayin'.

  5. The nose is usually straightened by re-breaking it and keeping it straight with a splint for a week or two. Often it is the septum (which is the part of the nose that separates the two nostrils) which is deviated or bent over. Once this is corrected, the nose is often straight(er). Unfortunately, noses which are bent for a long time may often drift back to being off-center, even after breaking it and wearing a splint for a week.

  6. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I believe that during her playing days she had considerable sinus problems, which did affect her performance, and had surgery to fix that. When she returned from the break her nose definitely seemed straighter.

  7. Anonymous3:31 AM

    No. Not true. She had no such surgery during her playing days.

    Maybe you are thinking of Jankovic.
