Monday, October 16, 2006

Dave Navarro

Dave Navarro...hasn't had any plastic surgery that I can tell. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Navarro and call myself a fan. He's a guitar legend and one of the key members of Jane's Addiction. He also has a pretty rad (80's term) goatee. One thing I have learned as a plastic surgeon is that men often wear goatees to cover up a small chin or a double chin. In the same way, women often wear bangs to cover up wrinkles of the forehead. I believe that Dave Navarro is no different. He does appear to have a smallish chin, termed microgenia, which is hidden by his goatee. A chin augmentation would be great for him, as it would give him a much stronger jawline. I would place a large size solid silicone implant through the inside of the mouth. This creates no visible scars, and heals very quickly. Then he could shave off the flavor-saver and get on with rocking out with his new band, Panic Channel.


  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Oh wow, eyebrows make a huge difference.

  2. I looooooove Dave with a white hot passion.

  3. Methinks he's had a rhinoplasty.

  4. Rhinoplasty? I dare say that's most likely not the case.
    The man gets better pics taken of him lately than during the Jane's Addiction days.

  5. Anonymous1:34 AM

    A bigger chin still won't save him... He's not a goodlooking guy. I think he's awful.

  6. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Sorry Y2K - Dave is gorgeous.

  7. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I don't understand his face. His eyebrows give him a very artificially created look (although, they're probably his natural shape) and he looks like a little midget for some reason. I think he looked better before.

  8. The nose, for one. It is very obvious.
