Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Dr. 90210

The new season of the E! Dr. 90210 television show began this week...and I have no part in it! While they were only in my old L.A. office for the first season, they have returned to my former office this season to focus on two young guys who took my place: Dr. Gary Motykie and Dr. John Diaz. Dr. Motykie is the one who actually filled my spot when I decided to leave L.A. to return to my home state of Michigan two years ago. Both are good guys who have a great mentor in Dr. Richard Ellenbogen, one of the top Beverly Hills plastic surgeons over the last twenty-five years. I have a feeling that Dr. Diaz and Dr. Motykie's single, footloose-and-fancy-free lifestyles will showcase better than my current married with a small child lifestyle. Ah.. life goes on...

To view a clip from my appearance on the first season of Dr. 90210, click here.


  1. Didn't Dr. Ellenbogen take on partners just a year or two ago? (Drs. Svehlak and Yamini)

    Did that disintergrate already?

  2. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Hi Doc, the Beauty Brains here checking in again.

    In case you haven't seen them, this link has some very scary pictures of Lil' Kim. It would be interesting to hear your commentary.

  3. Dr. Svehlak and Yamini left the practice earlier this year to start their own ( I talk with them quite a bit.

  4. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I don't see how anyone would leave Dr. Ellenbogen. He is the most talented surgeon in the world! And he is trying to help these poor little children in Mexico that can't afford surgery for things like cleft palates.He is the most selfless man in a very self centered area.

  5. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Dr.Motykie has the most amazing face Ive ever seen.. Hes the male version of Pam Anderson, only smart. Does anyone know his sexual preference? Please let him be gay!!!! Or at least bi.

  6. Anonymous4:28 PM

    On a recent Dr. 90210, Dr. Ellenbogen was introducing Dr. Diaz at a party at a restaurant. As the camera was panning the table, I saw Dr. Diaz with his arm around a man sitting next to him at the table. Is Dr. Diaz gay? I have to admit he is a very beautiful man.
