Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lindsay Lohan - breast implants?

In a recent post, I quote Lindsay Lohan as saying "I like my breasts the way they are. I read that I had breast implants and that I'd had my lips done too, which is such b*****t."
Here are some before and after photos. It looks like some plastic surgery to me. You make your own judgement.

Photo source: In Touch (breast photos), Life and Style (lips)

To view a video of a breast augmentation I performed for Fox News, click here.


  1. Anonymous5:09 PM

    She has had some of the best cosmetic procedures I've seen on a celebrity. The lips look great, the nose is refined, her breasts look unbelievably natural (btw: there are nip slips out there that show more of her breast shape. They are probably the result of a 2nd procedure-- when she was about 17 she had some dreadful bolted-on implants.) Plus the weight loss (when it wasn't too severe) really improved her face-- she went from "cute" to gorgeous. IMHO. YMMV. :D

  2. Is there one celebrity in Tinseltown that still has his/her original parts?

    Dr. Youn, I've perused your blog for some time now and I was curious to know what your opinion on Steve Erhardt is. He is the human Ken Doll who has spent over a quarter of a million dollars on face lifts, pec/bicep implants. I think he just about rivals Michael Jackson as the most hideous looking person on this planet.

    BTW, keep up your great blog. I love reading it.

  3. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I bet there are a lot of women who wish they could naturally "gain weight" but only in their boobs...;-)

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Her surgeries are well done, I'll give her that. She defintitly had the breasts and lips done, and I read somewhere her nose and lipo as well. Dr. Youn, would you speculate as to the type of breast augmentation she had, and the type of lip augmentation?

    Love the Blog:-)

  5. Thanks for the nice posts. I will get to Steve Erhardt some day. I too believe he looks like a Ken Doll. As far as Lindsay, she appears to have had a breast augmentation under the muscle, and her lips have likely been augmented with restylane (the most common lip augmentation treatment today)

  6. Anonymous10:27 PM

    I don't believe she's had anything done. It's obvious that if you gain weight you'll gain boobies, butt and so on. She's healthy now. In the first picture she was scrawny.

  7. Anonymous2:56 PM

    the ones when she was 17 were awful. i have a lot of reasons to believe that the "exhaustion" hospital stay was actually an explantation and the "eating disorder" was to cover up the loss of breasts. she admitted she lost 20 lbs during that hospital stay. umm, ok lindsay whatever you say.
    btw, great blog.

  8. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I'm sorry, but as a man, I just don't think you understand how a young adult woman's breasts really can shrink and grow with weight gain/loss. When I was 19 I had a D cup. I wound up losing around 20 lbs and went all the way to an A cup. I had never NOT had boobs in my life and it was very strange. Then, I gained 10-15lbs of that weight back, and my boobs went back to C. Now, I've gained all the weight back, and I'm at a D cup again. People ask me all the time if my boobs are fake because they are 1. big and 2. perky. If you wear the right bra, it can do wonders to zip your cleavage up to your chin. So, the point is, I don't think she had implants at all. Everyone said she did when she was 17, then she lost a ton of weight, and her boobs, too. That just shows me that she never had implants to begin with, and I don't think she has them now.

  9. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Excuse me. Why is it so hard to believe that she maybe is telling the truth?
    All teens go through body changes, and she had some weight issues which will have made he body size and shape fluncutate a lot. Now she seems to be sorted and she has regained her natural body shape and all that's happened I think is that she has learned how to use her make up in better ways, wear her hair differently and has changed her style.

    I have done so myself and trust I look a lot more different to what I looked like 5 years ago. No plastic surgery here!

  10. Anonymous5:51 PM

    it doesn't matter what personal experiences normal people have had. she has breast implants and they aren't the first pair. end of story.

  11. Anonymous10:52 PM

    plastic surgery scar on right breast (left in the picture):

  12. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Anonymous @ 6:55pm...

    Pics or it didn't happen ;)
