Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nicole Richie and Rachel Zoe

Nicole Richie appears to be in some type of feud with her ex-stylist, Rachel Zoe. She wrote in her MySpace page:

What 35 year old raisin face whispers her order of 3 peices of asparagus for dinner at Chateau everynight, and hides her deathly disorder by pointing the finger at me, and used her last paycheck I wrote her to pay for a publisist instead of a nutritionist?
HINT: Her nickname is lettucecup...

Rachel Zoe does have some pretty deep forehead wrinkles, which are relatively unusual for someone in her 30's. Botox injections would clear those up within a couple days, and keep the forehead smooth for about 3-4 months. I'd rather someone have those wrinkles though, than weigh 90 lbs and look like Karen Carpenter...

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Hi Dr Youn

    Do you think the fact that she's so painfully underweight contributes to the appearance of her wrinkles, ie because she's got very little fat to plump them up, does it make them appear deeper than they are?

  2. I doubt that the underweight issue causes the wrinkles in her forehead to be more apparent. It can make someone look older by making them more gaunt, however.

  3. I think she also looks like a smoker. Or maybe she's bullemic or something. She doesn't look too healthy. Something's off about her face, poor lady.

  4. I'd like to see the results that even some healthy diet + quitting smoking would do to her face. I'm guessing it'd be a huge improvement.

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    For many patients contemplating cosmetic surgery, the choice might not be the same if they see the potential accidents they might encounter. As people grow older, certain things play a big role in making skin look wrinkly and old that cosmetic surgery cannot correct.

    Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

  6. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Nicole Ritchie's spelling could use some work. Did she go to school with Lindsay "Adequite" Lohan?

  7. I live in the UK and I don't know who that person is, but I can tell it has been computer altered so the wrinkles look bigger. Nobody that age has wrinkles of an 80 year old.

  8. Anonymous10:29 PM

    too much sun...

  9. I cannot believe that Rachel Zoe was born in 1971. She looks to be in her fifties. Dr. Youn, have you seen her latest work? It looks like she might have gotten some fat injections, Restylane, Botox, and heaven only knows what else. What do you think? I'm dying to hear a professional's opinion. Anyway, I love your blog and enjoy it a lot. Take care, Rosie

  10. Either this isn't real or she's recently had some serious work done. I do think she loses weight in her chest and her chest gets thin before everything else. Even when she's really thin her arms still look healthy (this picture they DO look really thin), but on the show her arms look normal compared to her shrunken in chest.
