Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Would you like to be on TV?

If any of my readers has an interesting plastic surgery story they think would make for good television, email me at You must be willing to appear on live television to tell your story to a national audience. Some examples include: plastic surgery addiction, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or even feel-good stories about how plastic surgery has changed your life. I often get inquiries from national media looking for people who'd be interested in sharing their stories.


  1. I think it's really wonderful that you are so supportive of and concerned for people who have had plastic surgery!

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Hi there. Great post! I may fall into your criteria, will some salacious details that the 90210 type shows seem to go for. I had liposuction because I was a topless dancer. The most "wrong" part about it was the reason why I decided to go with the doctor that I went with was because he gave me a good price... the results were horrible. I haven't danced for a year, at times I am so self conscious about it that I don't want to leave the house. The latter, among another things related to the surgery (money etc) causes tension in my three year relationship with my boyfriend. I don't want to waste your time with my details, if you think I may work please contact me! Thanks! AKA Daisy Faithfull

  3. Daisy Faithful- Send me an email when you get a chance, at We can go from there. Thanks!

  4. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Hi there. I have just been to India (Derahdun) for surgery. I am 30 years old with 3 children. I had my nose done cause I broke it years ago and now it is worse that when I went. I also had my breasts uplifted which are o.k but not perfect, my lips made bigger which you cant even tell and last but not least liopouction. It has ruined my inner, outer thighs and hips and tummy. I cant leave the house and have just hade ennough. Please please can you hep me?
    Kind regards
    Emma Siswick

  5. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Hi there. I have just been to India (Derahdun) for surgery. I am 30 years old with 3 children. I had my nose done cause I broke it years ago and now it is worse that when I went. I also had my breasts uplifted which are o.k but not perfect, my lips made bigger which you cant even tell and last but not least liopouction. It has ruined my inner, outer thighs and hips and tummy. I cant leave the house and have just hade ennough. Please please can you hep me?
    Kind regards
    Emma Siswick

  6. Hello, Dr. Youn,

    I really enjoyed reading your comments about the various stars' surgeries. I agree with your esthetic and ethics!

    Without going into too much detail on this blog, I believe I have many facial issues which have dramatically affected my life. May I ask what your criteria are?

    I am also curious if you're Korean (which I am, BTW).

