Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Plastic Surgeon on Detroit TV

I was featured last night on the Detroit NBC affiliate local news for a segment called, "Plastic Surgery as a Gift." Click here to view it if you're interested. Thank you to WDIV NBC 4 for the nice feature.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Yes I am 25 and I would love to get plastic surgery for a gift. I hd a daughter 3 years ago and I lost the baby weight but I was left with a sagging stomach and breast. Now I'm still young and just because I chose to have my daughter young does that mean I should not still look young and feel cute. I say hey anyone one who knows me feel free to give me that gift because if I could afford it I would have done it myself and I promise I won't be offended by the offer (ha ha)

  2. I had lippo done as a gift years ago. It was from my hubby for having our son. I only wish I would have done it years earlier!

    The newstory was great. You are a handsome dude! (You have a lucky wife.)

    And I did my surgery in December years ago. Why? Like you said, "A new year. A new beginning..."

  3. And I did my surgery in December years ago. Why? Like you said, "A new year.
    A new beginning..." He he. Is there anyone who has tried qigong?
