Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Jennifer Aniston Post-Rhinoplasty Photos

US Magazine has some before and after photos of Jennifer Aniston's nose. She has apparently admitted to having a septoplasty performed to improve breathing. This is a common surgery which can also straighten a crooked nose as a byproduct of repairing the septum. Her after photos do appear to show her nose to be straighter and thinner than before. It looks like her surgeon (Dr. Kanodia?) did a very nice job.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Anonymous2:09 AM

    did he shave her chin like he did with simpson?

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    It is an improvement, but I still doesn't like her face. what has she done? It looks like her nose is slimmer and slightly more pointy.

  3. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Her nose is still very swollen from the surgery. I'm sure it will look very different in a couple of months. I had my nose done 3 years ago, and it changed a lot in the first two months. I had an open procedure, so it might have taken longer to heal than a closed rhinoplasty.

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    It is actually clear without a doubt that Jennifer had a rhinoplasty many years ago. She had spreader grafts put in. This is the work of the famous Jack Sheen. In fact is very clear that asymmetrical spreader grafts were put in. This was Jack Sheen's method of correcting a nose that is not straight. Wrong approach I believe. This resulted in the wide look of Jennifer's nose after surgery. It was not the right choice for her. To see a good result of such a surgery look at Pete Sampras the tennis star. In his case it turned out nicely.
    It is very clear that Jennifer was never happy with the results. It appears to me that the spreader grafts were not taken out. This is not a good choice. The top part could have been left in and the bottom part trimmed. Few surgeons are qualified to deal with Jack sheens spreader grafts. I wonder if Jennifer would be reading this! She would know exactly what I am talking about.


  5. Anonymous11:26 PM

    What are the spreader grafts made from - ear cartlidge?

    I had no idea Sampras had a nose surgery.

  6. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Spreader grafts can be made of any cartilage. It is best if it is made from cartilage from the nose itself. Else rib cartilage is better than ear cartilage for this purpose. Jack Sheen invented this. Others are now still using it.

    It is most obvious that Sampras had rhinoplasty with Jack Sheen. The results turned out quite good. He used asymetrical spreader grafts on Sampras. In addition he used tip grafts on him.

    I doubt that Sampras went to Sheen just for the aesthetics of it. I am sure he had breathing difficulties too as his nose was badly deviated.

    But I am sure he was very happy when the aesthetics of it improved significantly.

    Sheen overused spreader grafts. It is not for everyone. I am sure Aniston has had hours upon hours of unhappiness with her spreader grafts. She has very thick skin. It is quite obvious that her skin got much thicker around the spreader grafts giving her nose that lumpy look.

    As a general rule spreader grafts are better for people with thinner skin and a face that works well with a wider boxier nose.


  7. Anonymous4:49 AM

    she definitely had her chin shaved...where it was once pointed under her cleft, now she is left with a squared off chin and no cleft. look at previous pictures of her with a gigantic chin, pre-nose job and compare with the shorter, squarish chin, post rhino!

  8. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I had spreader grafts put in, and fall into the category of a "large nose" as a result. Does anyone know who can fix a Sheen nose? And please do not say Toriumi; I saw him and he wanted a radix graft and more than was needed.

  9. Anonymous6:52 PM

    How many times do you have to fix a deviated septum??? That's what ALL people say when they want to justify rhinoplasty. Her nose has changed from Leprechaun to Friends to now. Deviated septum... RIGHT!!!! If you're famous and you're truly getting your deviated septum fixed, go all in. Show your X-ray, talk about it A LOT and how you can sleep better... Tell people what else you've tried and how the improvements are. Um, yeah...

  10. Anonymous7:05 PM

    David, what would you recommend for a person who truly has a deviated septum? I heard that there was a process that is almost like angioplasty except your sinus is expanded. I don't believe it's septoplasty. Found it. It's Balloon Sinuplasty. I don't want to change the shape of my nose. Those spreader grafts sound crazy...and painful.
