Friday, March 02, 2007

Kellie Pickler - Breast Augmentation

Here is a photo of American Idol singer Kellie Pickler from last night's show. As you can see, she does appear to have had a recent breast augmentation. When breast implants are too big they can make some women look heavy. This appears to be the case with her. I still think she's hilarious and talented, even though she didn't have me do her plastic surgery.

photo credit:

To view a video of a breast augmentation I performed for Fox News, click here.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Too big for her frame to the point where it's distracting.

  2. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I'm no plastic surgeon, but I really don't think she's had breast least not artificially. If you look at both pictures of her posted here, you'll notice a couple things (no I'm not talking about the obvious!):

    1) She's heavier in the face, neck, upper chest (above the breasts), shoulders and upper arms. When she was on AI last night, I said that she looks like she's put on about 10 - 15 lbs. from when she was a contestant on the show. As a woman, I know how that kind of extra weight change my own breasts. I go from a C to a D. I'm not joking. That's what I think is going on with Kelly. Look at the pictures again and you'll see what I mean. She's definitely heavier overall in the blue dress.

    2) The difference in dresses. The red dress is constructed in such a way that it presses her down and flat. This gives the appearance of a smaller bustline. Add to this that the neckline is negligibly plunging, the breasts are completely covered, and you can see how they may appear smaller. The blue dress, on the other hand, is cut in such a way that exposes roughly 1/3 of her total breast tissue. Of COURSE she's going to look augmented! The focus is entirely on her bust! Plus, that dress is constructed with ultra-uplift underwires. She's probably wearing a miracle bra, to boot. (I'm a seamstress...I know how dresses and blouses can be constructed so as to give maximum lift.)

    3) Look closely at the space in between her breasts. She doesn't have that telltale "melons on a plate" look. You know how there's an unnatural ridge from the pectoral muscle to the breast tissue (because of the sub-muscular implantation)? Not so, here; it looks completely natural. There's a natural weighted look to them, rather than something that defies gravity. You can thank the dress and bra for that.

    All of that makes me think she's not had surgery. Having said that, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she had, though I can't figure out WHY she'd want one! She looked perfect beforehand.

    My two-cents' worth.

  3. I think her dress doesn't help either !

  4. Anonymous10:25 PM

    I was wondering if it was a good pushup bra or other "help." She also seemed to have more "junk in the trunk," too and I wondered if she had something done there, as well.

  5. Anonymous1:27 AM

    jen - deal with it. they are fake. no amount of explaining or rationalizing can change the fact she went out and got herself new boobies. but you're right about one thing, she is wearing a push up bra which only makes the implants seem bigger than they probably are.

  6. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I agree with Jen. She really does look like she's gained some weight and many women gain a lot of that weight in their breasts, especially if they had some decent size to begin with like hers. Now if she went from an A to a D that'd be a whole other story

  7. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I agree with Jen. For every 10 pounds I gain, I gain a cup size. It's happened that I've fluctuated 30 pounds up and down, and I'll be going from a C to DD and back.
    Kellie seems to have gained weight everywhere, which makes me think her breasts have inflated naturally, with the rest of her body.

  8. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Saw her in concert the other night. They look bigger in the picture than they do in person. I do think that her badnonkadonk is bigger than expected though.

  9. Anonymous8:51 PM

    She's clearly had her boobs done and they look ridiculous. She has gone from the girl next door to the tart up the street.
