Friday, April 27, 2007

Hilary Swank - Breast Implants?

Did Hilary Swank have a recent breast augmentation? It's definitely possible, but not a definite certainty in my opinion. I was recently interviewed about her busty figure by Make Me News:

Plastic surgeon Anthony Youn recently told Make Me Heal that he believes Hilary Swank may have had breast implants following her breakup with Chad Lowe. “After her much-publicized breakup with husband Chad Lowe, Hillary Swank appears to have gotten a breast augmentation,” says Youn. “People who have recently ended a long-term relationship quite often undergo plastic surgery. For many of them, it symbolizes a new beginning, or a transformation into a new person.” Youn adds caution, saying that “For others, it may be an unfortunate attempt to gain attention in order to “woo” the person back.” While we don’t think that Swank thought twice about going back to the Chad Lowe, we can think of other stars who on the “rebound” decided to pick up a set of new boobs. “Either way, plastic surgery is something that must be taken seriously, as it is not the same as getting a new hairstyle,” says Youn.

Whether or not she's had her breasts augmented, she remains an actor to be watched. I thought she was fantastic in Million Dollar Baby, but admittedly I haven't seen Boys Don't Cry.

Story and photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous5:59 PM

    She has definetly had an augmentation. The doctor has done a very good job. It is hard not to notice something different after seeing her in her older movies.

  2. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Hard to tell. If yes, then her doctor did a fantastic job. They look beautiful and natural.

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I don't think she had surgery. She has always had big boobs. See Boys Don't Cry, she's nude in it and drm050067 is totally wrong. Besides, she's older and recently going through that split with Lowe, so maybe she put on a little weight up top.....

  4. Anonymous4:09 PM

    "Boys Don't Cry" is a great movie and HS was wonderful in it.

  5. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Bullshit. First of all, her breasts look more or less the same in all the photos. Any differences can be explained by lighting, camera angle, the clothing she wore, etc.

    Second, the photo at the top is NOT from 2006. I have photos of her from that event on my computer dating from 2001!

    Nice try.

  6. Anonymous11:47 PM

    I believe she had a breat augmentation. You can understand the difference by watching her old movies.

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    i think that clothes can make a HUGE difference in a woman's breasts.and i don't think she had a surgery cause it doesn't match her personality a decision like this.(just my opinion)

  8. Anonymous9:15 PM

    They look real or else very nicely done augmentations.

    Hillary Swank should have large breasts to distract attention from her grimacing, flopping carp lips. I think those are likely hers, too, but they are god awful to watch.

    In "P.S. I Love You" Swank grimaced and lisped so grotesquely that it overpowered her acting talent.

    I did not observe this in her other movies.
