Saturday, May 05, 2007

Billy Joel

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Things have been really busy here, as I've been working on different projects. My wife and I did get a chance to go to a Billy Joel concert last night though. Wow. He was amazing. He played 2.5 hours of hit song after hit song, and he still left out a number of huge hits. His voice is still fantastic, and he remains quite a showman. Although he really has aged, he's still the man. Best songs of the night: Scenes from an Italian Restaurant and Piano Man (of course).

photo credit:

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Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Can I just ask what is wrong with aging? I'm a firm believer that if you are personally unhappy with something in your appearance, change it. If plastic/cosmetic surgery is what you want, more power to you. However, to pass judgement on someone who choses not to correct the wrinkles and any other natural process of aging is just wrong. At the end of the day, it's their skin and if they are happy with it, so be it. Plastic or cosmetic surgery isn't for all. Some people are happy just being themselves without the nip/tuck that society says we MUST purchase. There is more to life and a person than just how they look.

    Billy has more money than he knows what to do with but he seems to be happy in his wrinkly skin so I say good for him.

  2. Anon- The comment regarding his aging was not stated as an insult, but as a fact. He joked about it during his performance. If you read my blog, you will see that I actually agree with what you've written, and have stated this exact view many times throughout this blog. Try not to pass judgement too quickly.

  3. I have to say I was sad to hear he was touring after he had passed the west, he has the most dynamic and amazing voice. He couldn't sing a song poorly if he tried.

    Someday I want to sing karaoke to It's Still Rock and Roll to Me.
