Sunday, May 27, 2007

Kathy Griffin - Plastic Surgery

Kathy Griffin is in the news lately as the front runner for replacing departing Rosie O'Donnell from the View. I've always liked Kathy Griffin. Her self-deprecating sense of humor is a breath of fresh air when compared to all the stars who take themselves too seriously. I hear her stand-up show is great as well. What about her plastic surgery?

Kathy Griffin is on record for admitting she's had liposuction back in 1999. She unfortunately had some major complications which were reportedly "near fatal." She then became very anti-plastic surgery...until four years later.

She subsequently underwent 10 different procedures, including rhinoplasty, browlift, Botox injections, LASIK eye surgery, veneers, chemical hair straightening, a facial chemical peel, and liposuction again! According to Oprah, she stated:

"At first they wanted to give me the J-Lo butt bags. You can get your butt now to look like Jennifer Lopez's. Yes, Oprah, yes! They're very hot in Beverly Hills."Although she doesn't "mind a little Botox now and then," Kathy says she's staying away from liposuction. "I have new eyebrows, new eyes, new skin, new teeth... I'm working on the new personality."

I don't know the details of her liposuction complications, but in my experience it is extremely rare to have a major complication from liposuction. As long as too much fat is not removed in one setting, tumescent solution is used liberally for the procedure, and the surgery is performed in an accredited center by a board-certified plastic surgeon I think major complications are rare.

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Love Kathy Griffin, and I have seen her stand-up live, which is hysterical. However, I think she's had too much of something done to her face. In fact, I was suprised to only read about a browlift and rhinoplasty...perhaps it's just too much Botox? I think at one point she was cute, but now she looks bizarre, almost manly. She has that Madame-the-puppet look now.

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I concur she is a great entertainer - but she looks ridiculous now.

  3. Maybe the reason you "don't know the details of her liposuction complications" is because she never HAD lipo complications.
    She had severe LASIK complications, tho:

  4. She definatly needs a new less annoying personality,shes like the she-Andy Dick.Too bad they dont have surgery for that one!

  5. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Well, any surgical procedure brings a risk of infection. Also, didn't I read something recently about severely oveweight people (definitely NOT Griffin, ever) having an increased risk of cardiac arrest after significant liposuction? Because of the fluid loss, I seem to remember. But it's not common, that's true.

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I think she looks gorgeous.

  7. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Actually, she has said in many articles that she had complications from lipo, in addition to the complications from Lasik. She was unable to urinate after the lipo and her kidneys started to shut down, if I recall correctly.

  8. Anonymous10:13 PM

    I had liposuction in 2005 and ended up with a blood clot that landed me in the hospital for 6 days. Life threatening. At age 37. It can happen.

  9. Anonymous12:34 AM

    I vividly recall reading a piece where she told about the lipo incident. she DID have too much lipo at once which threw off here blood chems etc and messed with kidney function. I recall thinking that I didn't see why she'd needed THAT much lipo in the first place...but it seems a lot of it was hard to lose areas like the back and sides.
