Monday, June 18, 2007

Breast Augmentation for Free - Ethically Wrong?

My Free and a "Board-certified cosmetic surgeon" have gotten together to offer a free breast augmentation at Erotic LA, a three day sexuality and lifestyle exhibition to be held next week at the LA Convention Center. This is the second year in a row that they have had this contest.
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, which is the largest and most trusted plastic surgery organization in the world, considers it an ethical violation to give out plastic surgery as a contest without following specific ethical guidelines. According to their guidelines, a member is subject to discipline or explusion if:

The member participates in a charity raffle, fund raising event, contest or other promotion in which the prize is any procedure* or gift certificate or other document redeemable for all or part of the cost of a procedure*.

There are a number of other rules regarding contest participation that I won't bother going into here. As a board-certified plastic surgeon I am always fighting against the perception that plastic surgeons are unethical, money-grubbing crooks. Contests like this don't help us in showing the public that the vast majority of us are physicians who strive to be ethical and use our skills to make people's lives better. Do we benefit monetarily through this? Yes, and for some more than others. Is that all we care about? No. I can honestly say that the best part of my job is seeing happy patients after their surgery and going home feeling that I helped some people feel better about themselves. I feel very blessed to be able to have the career I do.

And no, this isn't b.s.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I am glad to know that you won't be turning people into nightmares like Michael Jackson or Maxi Mounds because of large sums of money, Dr. Youn!

  2. I generally have a pretty negative preconceived notion about plastic surgery, but it makes me happy to know there are surgeons like you who just really want to improve people's quality of life.

  3. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Doctors profit from their work regardless of specialty. If certain cosmetic surgeons think that free surgery is a charitable deed, perhaps they should be lobbying to require insurance companies to cover the costs of cosmetic surgery rather than enacting these unethical publicity stunts.

  4. Was able to check your site.. this post caught my attention... free implantation.. just like another gimmick. hehe!

    Greetings from the Philippines! =)
