Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hugh Hefner and Simon Cowell on Plastic Surgery

Two prominent male celebrities have recented commented on men having plastic surgery, with vastly different opinions.
According to, Hugh Hefner recently stated,
"I'm thinking of having a little face-lift. There is nothing wrong with plastic surgery. I think it is absolutely fine for men - I have already had teeth implants, and a few years ago I had a neck tuck. We are dealing with a whole different set of things physically now because we live so much longer."

A contrasting view was also recently stated by none other than Simon Cowell. According to the Post Chronicle, the American Idol judge recently stated,
"I wouldn't have plastic surgery, it looks ridiculous on guys. I'd never dye my hair either. Everyone thinks I do, but I never have. I do 100 press-ups before I get in the bath in the morning, then at work after a meeting, I'll shut the door and do more."

While I usually agree with Simon on his criticisms of American Idol contestants, I would have to disagree with him here. A good example of good male plastic surgery is Hugh Hefner, whose neckline a couple of years ago did look unnaturally sharp for a man his age. It does appear to have gotten looser over the last few years, however. I find this not to be too uncommon for people who have face or neck lifts in their 70's or 80's. Because the skin has lost its elasticity with age, the results don't last as long as someone in their 50's. Sorry Simon, I don't want to patronize you, but plastic surgery can look good in men if done well!

Photo credit:

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Cowell has man boobs and should consider some help there.

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I have seen very few men who can carry of a facelift. It pulls your face in this unnatural way. You lose that certain quality that makes a person unique. Expecially the eyes.

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Dr. Youn:

    I'm afraid I missed the March 31 showing of Celebrity Plastic Surgery. What a bummer! Any chance it'll re-air?


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  5. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Hugh vs. Simon? Hmmm, my money's on Hugh. Seriously, I'm NOT a surgeon, but I work with a plastic surgeon in Naples and I think both men are right. As with women, if a man thinks plastic surgery can help him look better and live a more fulfilling life, great! If he's happy with his looks and his life, that's great as well! I hate pitting one person's philosophy against another persons... especially when it comes to something as incredibly personal as ones looks. I for one think Hugh looks great, especially for someone in his 80's. Give Simon 30 or 40 years, and he might have a different take on plastic surgery. Whether he does or doesn't, who cares? Can't we all just agree that this past season of "Idol" was the worst?

  6. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I hope I never get as old as Hef worrying about some lines in my neck. At that age I don't see the point anymore.
