Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ann Coulter - Breast Implants? has some photos which appear to show a breast augmentation for offensive conservative pundit and author Ann Coulter. What do you think?
If she's had a breast augmentation, she has nice, modest size implants that take her from an A to a B. Then again, it could also just be a padded bra she bought at a Swap Meet.

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    It's a shame she didn't have a heart transplant while she was under the knife... the one she has doesn't seem to work.

  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    No that doesn't look like an implant at all, just like a really good bra.

  3. Anonymous10:36 PM

    i thought she was a man?

  4. i thought the same too anonymous..laughs!

  5. Anonymous11:45 PM

    I think she is in major need of a face transplant. Yuck! Is that thing even female?

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    It's unfortunate that a Doctor feels the need to make snotty comments about women who may or may not have had surgery.
    It's one thing to speculate from a professional perspective on who may have had surgeries, and what they were, but keep the politics out of it.

  7. Politics is one thing, being a decent, respectful human being is another. I have great respect for many conservatives as well as liberals, but as a Christian I do not respect people who claim to be Christian and use that as a tool to disparage, mock, and curse others. It is religious hypocrisy at its worse.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Doctor, your point couldn't be said better.

  10. Anonymous11:37 AM

    "Politics is one thing, being a decent, respectful human being is another."

    Well said and keep up the good work on this very interesting and informative Blog. Some people just can't resist throwing rotten eggs at successful and intelligent people. Best to ignore them and get on with doing what you do best.

  11. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I agree with Dr. Youn about Coulter--

    It looks like a good bra to me.

  12. Anonymous8:40 PM

    It seems like no matter what Ann C. does, she ALWAYS looks like she needs a long, hot bath, like an unwashed biker chick.
