Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Megan Fox - Rhinoplasty?

Has Transformers actor Megan Fox had a rhinoplasty? Based on these photos from, it looks like it. She looks great. It appears natural and lets the other attractive features of her face stand out (her eyes, cheeks, and lips). That's my definition of a good rhinoplasty.

For a more in depth analysis, visit

Thanks for reading.
Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. I agree. It's a lovely and subtle improvement. I wish that there were a way to let the public know about the doctors who create beautiful results and the ones who don't. Or is it the demands of the patient that override the doctor's better judgment?

  2. Probably some of both.

  3. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Either way, she's still really pretty. *jealousy*

  4. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Hi Dr.Youn,
    I happened to have been in my surgeon's office in The Sunset Medical Plaza when she was there with her beau, Brian Austin Greene.My doctor is someone you mention quite a bit......

  5. Anonymous10:58 PM

    I think it also looks like she's had her cheeks augmented with some sort of injectable filler, as well...

  6. Anonymous7:41 AM

    The doctor that handles the fillers at above said office is fantastic. Dr.Youn, any idea on how to get these Artefill people to hurry up and get to the PS in that specific office. I'm ready to fly in for some.......TS

  7. Anonymous7:08 AM

    She looks fine now, but was fine without it.

  8. What do you think about ArteFill? I have seen the results on a friend of mine.

  9. Anonymous1:49 AM

    don't know who she is but she's a stunner, pre and post nose job.

  10. Anonymous2:51 AM

    The photos are originally from

    Make me heal TOOK THE PICS from ONTD.

  11. Anonymous5:45 PM

    She surely needs BIACTOL!

  12. Anonymous2:57 PM

    She looks amazing before & after, but it probably wasn't necessary. She's young imo to jump on the surgery wagon anyways... Maybe not in Hollywood years, though.

    But, I just HAVE to say something about her skin! She looks beautiful now that she's cleared her acne some, but I imagine she will have horrible sun damage in her later years.

  13. Anonymous8:31 AM

    what?! she looks gorgeous before and after... can't really see why she had to have it. she's a bit young to be getting surgery already for such a trivial thing, to be honest.

  14. Anonymous7:54 PM

    To Anonymous-
    I'm dying to know who did her nose?
    It's fantastic and I want a consultation. What Doctor's office did you see her in? Surely, the office signed a confidentiality agreement but you did not so go ahead and tell :) That's the beauty of gossip blogs. Dr's should get credit when they are that good.

  15. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Somebody stop Megan Fox! She is getting her upper lip inflated and it looks terrible.

  16. Anonymous12:11 AM

    I think she had quite a few procedures done, the obvious being her nose, lip injection, cheek implants, eye brown raised, and a boob job. She does look fantastic though! Her plastic surgeon or surgeons are very talented I must say. I wish I know his name!

    Hi Anonymous 7:49 if you happen to read this, can you possibly give me the address of your surgeon's medical building and his name? Thanks so much if you can oblige!!!

  17. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Hi Anonymous 7:49- I too, would love the name of the surgeon in the Sunset Medical Tower. I know of one, but I don't know if that is who are referring to.

    Thanks in advance!
