Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Queen Latifah on her Breast Reduction

The latest issue of People magazine has an interview with Queen Latifah, where she discusses her breast reduction surgery in 2003:

What were you before? "An E or an F cup. I was pretty big. Now I'm like a DD. I wanted to be a triple. They took one D too many! So that was hard to deal with. And there's scarring and stitches."

I find it unusual that a breast reduction patient asks to be a DDD after surgery. Most of them ask me to be a C or even a B, which often doesn't proportionally match the rest of the body. Health insurance will often pay for this surgery, but most patients need to have documented pain with removal of over a pound off each breast to be approved. Women who have less than a DD or DDD cup size usually don't get insurance coverage.

I think Queen Latifah's breasts look good. They seem to match her body. She does probably have scars which extend around her areolae, vertically down to her breast crease, and horizontally under her breast. Most scars fade considerably with time, and often end up as a faint line.

Photo credit: prphotos.com

Thanks for reading.

Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon
Anthony Youn, M.D.


  1. I have a keloid scar from chicken pox so I don't think I'd ever consider a lift or reduction, not that I need one at the moment. I suppose you have to weigh it against back pain.

  2. Anonymous1:06 AM

    A little off topic, but still on the subject of breasts. I'm really curious as to what's going on with Pam Anderson's breasts in this picture:


    Is she getting symmastia? Her implants haven't crossed the midline, but the skin looks like it's raised...

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Queen latifah has done the breast surgery to perfection, less is more.

  4. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I thought a DD was considered an E, anyway.

  5. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Sorry, but as a musician and vocalist who has a similar build to the "old" Queen Latifah, I'd have to say I appreciated her having the larger breasts. I can relate to the "weight" of them, though. If it hurt her, then I'm glad she feels better. But it's definitely something that affects your sense of womanhood. It was part of her power to have larger breasts. It just added more strength to her street cred. Now, she just looks like another person who succumbed to the pressures of Hollyweird. It's sick that so many folks don't realize there are different sizes of all of us. Especially those that make money off of our insecurities - not just surgeons, but advertisers, entertainment folks, our parents, friends, etc.

  6. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I was a UK 36F with huge sagging breasts. I was so pleased when my surgeon performed an uplift and reduction. No more sweaty bits underneath, gone was the back pain and the indents on the shoulders. I should have done it years ago.
    The only problem now is I can see the fat around my ribcage!
    I had the op two years ago and I've started to get fat building above the scar around the side area which is common and I'm not too happy about. I'm not having anything done about it though.
